November 2024

NPQ SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)

November 2024

The NPQ for Special Educational Needs Coordinator course is a brand new qualification for Autumn 2024. Replacing the NASENCO course, the NPQ for SENCO is now the statutory required training for anyone who is working as a school SENCO and must be completed within 3 years of beginning a SENCO role. This course is accredited by NPQ and provided in partnership with CofE Education Office.

  • Those who are a SENCO, or aspire to be, in any school or setting.
  • Non-teaching staff who support the SENCO, either formally as a deputy SENCO or leading a particular area of SEND provision.
  • Line managers of SENCOs or other senior leaders with responsibility for curriculum, behaviour, pastoral needs or managing provision.
  • Those who work outside of a school setting but work closely with SENCOs, e.g., in a local authority.
  • 90 hours to complete
  • 5 face to face days across 18 months
  • 5 coaching sessions
  • 12 webinars
  • 18 month course duration
  • 1 immersive visit
  • Blended learning model

This 18-month course will enable you to:

  • co-ordinate special educational needs (SEN) provision throughout your school
  • work alongside other leaders to build a school culture in which pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can participate meaningfully in the full life of the school, achieve ambitious outcomes and make successful transitions to their next steps

This course is made up of 8 units:

  • School culture
  • Identification of need
  • Statutory framework
  • Teaching
  • Professional development
  • Leading & managing provision
  • Behaviour
  • Implementation

All mainstream schools (including academies and free schools) must have a SENCO.

The SENCO must be a qualified teacher, or the headteacher, working at the school.

This NPQ will be the mandatory qualification for SENCOs from September 2024, with teaching beginning in November 2024.

This means that anyone who is working as SENCO must have completed the NPQ for SENCOs within the first 3 years of being in post.

SENCOs meet their statutory requirement on receiving the outcome of their NPQ (so this means that you must have begun the award within the first 12 months of starting a new role as a SENCO, so that there is time for you to complete the course and receive your award within the 3 years allocated).

If you’ve previously completed the NASENCO award you do not need to also complete the NPQ for SENCO.

The DFE has allocated a limited number of fully funded places to this NPQ, which will be allocated on a first come first served basis. There are funded places available for this NPQ for any school in England (it doesn’t matter if your school is on the PP50 list or not for this one).

When all of our funded places have been allocated we will need to charge schools for the NPQ for SENCOs. The cost of the course will be £1,333 which is payable in full before the programme commences.

Church of England Education Office will confirm with participants whether their place is fully funded or not, when DFE announce how many places will be funded.

If it is important to your school that your place is fully funded, we’d encourage you to apply as soon as possible so that you have the best chance.

How do I apply for the NPQ for SENCO?

  1. Apply here.
  2. You will need to select Birmingham Newman University and Three Spires as the delivery partner. 
  3. Church of England Education Office will be in touch to confirm your funding or let you know whether your school will need to pay.

Funding will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis, so participants who are able to apply sooner have the best opportunity to secure a fully funded place.

Entry Requirements

This course is managed by the CofE Education Trust. Further information can be found on their website.