PG Certificate Education Online
Postgraduate Certificate, September 2025

The Postgraduate Certificates in education offered by Birmingham Newman University give professionals the opportunity to gain university accredited professional development.
Out PGCert courses are run online.
Depending on which modules you choose, you can be awarded either a PGCert in Education, or a PGCert Education with one of the following named awards:
- Learning and Teaching
- Leadership and Management
- Inclusion and Special Educational Needs and Disability
- Early Childhood Education and Care
- Mentoring and Coaching
- Safeguarding
- Social Justice
- Catholic School Leadership
A PGCert is worth 60 level 7 credits, which can be used towards your study for a Masters in Education.
Recognition of prior experience and prior credits gained through a different route may also be considered through the university’s RPeL and RPcL process. Please speak to the programme leader to discuss this.
You can email for more information.
The PGCert at Birmingham Newman University is designed around you. Modules are offered in each of the named award areas above, giving you the opportunity to further develop your knowledge and professional enquiry into specialist areas.
We also offer a negotiated module and a specialist module. These modules are unique in their approach, as they are delivered through individual tutorials around your chosen specialist area.
The PGCert Education is mainly delivered online, with optional on-campus activities.
PGCert Education Full Time (1 year)
Semester 1: 30 credits
Semester 2: 30 credits
PGCert Education Part Time (2 years)
Year 1: 30 credits
Year 2: 30 credits
Assessments are varied on the programme, with modules offer different means of assessment formats including portfolios, presentations, written reports and essays, work-based studies and practical tasks. The course will recognise your needs as a learner and develop independent study skills that are transferable to a range of learning situations and assessment tasks.
Entry Requirements
Entry Requirements – UK Students
An Honours degree in a relevant subject area from a UK university or an overseas university agreed by NARIC as equivalent and subject to IELTS and EU requirements. Consideration will be given to students with lower level qualifications who have a relevant range of professional experience. Professional experience that equates to degree level will be considered by the Programme Leader.
Students may also transfer up to 90 level 7 credits via the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process.
Entry Requirements – International Students
- An overseas university degree agreed by NARIC as equivalent and
- An IELTS score of 6.5 with at least a 6 in each separate component.
Those students joining from one of the countries identified by the government as not being required to prove their knowledge of the English language (, will not be required to gain an IELTS score of 6.5, but the degree must still be regarded as equivalent by NARIC.
Course Fees
The course fee for 2025/26 is £2,950.