Back to “Support Available to Students with Different Needs”
Last Updated: December 4th 2020
As with other impairments, the needs of students with ADD/ADHD will vary with each individual. Some students have particular difficulties adjusting to change, especially when it occurs without notice. Students with ADD/ADHD may find it hard to stay focused in lectures or on their studies. Funding for support is through DSA or through the Access to Work Scheme.
You may find the following support helpful:
- Arrangements to meet the Inclusion Co-ordinator (Disability) and your programme leader before the start of your course.
- A buddy during fresher’s week or at the start of term to help you find your way around and get used to university life.
- A mentor to help with organising and planning assignments, addressing anxieties and helping you to keep on task (DSA funding required)
- A dictaphone to record lectures so that you can listen to them again.
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