Campus Accessibility
Last Updated: September 1st 2023
The University has done much to make the campus fully accessible and there is an on-going programme of improvements. Some small areas of the campus may remain inaccessible to students with mobility limitations and where this occurs, adjustments will be made through timetabling and room allocations.
Hearing loops are installed in many of the teaching rooms on campus (where this is possible) including the Chapel.
Adjustable height tables are also available in many of our teaching rooms, particularly in Hilda and Darwin.
Lifts are located in various areas around the campus. Accessible toilet facilities are available in St Chad Atrium, Library, Darwin (Lower floor), Elgar and outside our canteen area.
Please let us know about any access needs before you come, so we can take steps to ensure that your teaching is scheduled in suitable accommodation.
To ensure we are fully informed of your access requirements, a site visit and individual planning meeting can be arranged. We encourage you to visit the campus and talk to our Inclusion Co-ordinator to get a feel for the University and find out more about how we can assist you.
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