Employing Overseas Workers
Last Updated: June 7th 2024
Employing Overseas Workers
Newman University values workers from overseas and the knowledge and skills they can contribute to creativity, innovation and productivity within the institution. This may include performing jobs which require specialist skills that are not available in the UK, or vacancies for jobs which the government agrees are in designated ‘shortage occupations’. The University recognises their responsibility in recruiting migrant workers, carrying out the necessary checks and making sure the law is followed.
The University is also aware that it is a criminal offence to knowingly employ a person who requires but lacks immigration permission, to be in that role. Newman University will check and copy specific original documentation for any new employees, in accordance with the legislative requirements and government guidance, which sets out when checks must be made, what employers need to do including tips on how to check authenticity and what to photocopy and retain. Checks must be completed before employment begins, but rechecking is also required for employees with time-limited immigration status.
Any checks that are made should be done in a non-discriminatory manner in accordance with government guidance which recommends that all job applicants should be treated in the same way.
Further information regarding the employment of Overseas Workers is available from the Human Resources Department.