Funding for non-medical assistance/Disabled Students Allowance
Last Updated: January 17th 2024
If you have an on-going physical or mental health issue, sensory impairment or Specific Learning Difficulty, you should be eligible to apply for DSA (Disabled Students Allowance). In higher education institutions, DSA is the fund which pays for any equipment or assistance you may require to enable you to fully participate in your studies. It is not means tested, you don’t have to pay it back, and if you apply for DSA you are not depriving other students who you think are ‘more deserving’. You are advised to apply for DSA well in advance of starting your course.
Information on how to apply for DSA can be found on the GOV.UK website: DSA application forms can also be downloaded from the above website, or can be requested by telephoning: 0845 300 50 90 or 0845 604 44 34 (minicom).
Please Note: If you normally need personal care support you will need to apply to your local Social Services for funding, prior to starting our course.
Need more information?
For further information, please contact Rachael Hawkins, Disability and Inclusion Manager or see our leaflet about the assistance available.
Related link
: The Snowdon Award Scheme – alternative sources of funding