Graduation FAQ

Graduation FAQ

Last Updated: September 13th 2024

When is Graduation?

Monday 28th October 2024.  There are two ceremonies on the day; 11.00am and 3.00pm. Graduands will be notified of which ceremony their award is being presented at in the Graduation confirmation task.

The graduation task that you need to complete will be available from the week commencing the 9th September 2024.

Where is Graduation?

Symphony Hall, Broad St, Birmingham B1 2EA

What is the deadline for confirming?

The deadline for confirming whether you wish to attend, graduate in absentia or defer Graduation is Thursday 10th October 2024.

Do I/my guests need a ticket?

Your ticket as the graduand is free.  If your friends/family wish to attend guest tickets will need to be purchased from Symphony Hall.  There is a link within the Graduation Task for this. The tickets will be priced at £23 for Adults and £13 for children. It is important to ensure all children attending have a ticket.

If I defer, when do I graduate?

You will graduate, and your certificate will be dated, Monday 27th October 2025.  You cannot defer more than once. If you decide to defer, then you be invited to the 2025 graduation ceremony.

What name will appear on my degree certificate?

The name that appears on your award certificate will be the full name on your student record (including any middle names) at the time of award.  Your name (first and surname only) is announced during the Graduation and will be listed in the programme (whether you attend or graduate in absentia).

What do I do about hiring my gown?

You can order your gown by following the link within the Graduation Task to Ede & Ravenscroft’s website.

There are other robing companies available and for more information please contact:

What do I do about photographs?

You can book a slot in the photography studio by following the link within the Graduation Task to Ede & Ravenscroft’s website.

You are also free to take photographs in the ICC before and after the ceremony

When will I get my certificate if I graduate in absentia? 

You should have received this by the end of November 2024. Whilst we cannot provide you with an electronic version of your certificate, we can provide you with an electronic transcript that includes your name, award and classification. If this is something you would like, please email

How do I get to Symphony Hall, Birmingham? 

For travel information please see: Symphony Hall – Newman University, Birmingham

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