Dr Stephen Dixon appointed to Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Advisory Panel

Dr Stephen Dixon, Senior Lecturer in Education, Childhood and Professional Studies
Dr Stephen Dixon, Senior Lecturer in Education, Childhood and Professional Studies at Birmingham Newman University, has been appointed to the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Advisory Panel for the review of Subject Benchmark statements in Education Studies.
The QAA is the independent expert quality body for higher education across the UK and is trusted by higher education providers and regulatory bodies to maintain and enhance quality and standards.
The QAA Subject Benchmark Statements describe the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas. They also show what graduates might reasonably be expected to know, do, and understand at the end of their studies. The Subject Benchmark Statements are written by subject specialists and are used as reference points in the design, delivery, and review of academic programmes and are reviewed every 5-7 years.
Dr. Stephen Dixon welcomed his appointment: “Birmingham Newman University has a strong tradition of teaching Education Studies courses, and I am both proud and privileged to be able to represent both the Faculty and University in helping to shape the discipline for the coming years.”
The Education Studies Benchmark Statements are used on both Education Studies degree courses, postgraduate courses, and a range of Initial Teacher Education programmes. Stephen Dixon will be part of the panel planning to re-draft the Education Studies Benchmark Statements at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
Chosen from a large number of applicants, all panel members were appointed according to both their range of experience and strength of their research. In Stephen’s case, his research in Education and Technology was cited as being invaluable in helping shape the discipline to meet the challenges of the future, such as AI.
Dr Stephen Dixon is a Senior Lecturer in Education, Childhood, and Professional Studies, and teaches on a range of programmes. Previously a Senior Lecturer in ICT, Stephen specialises in E-learning, and the use of multimedia in learning and teaching, with a particular focus on web-based materials and web design, as well as filmmaking (he is an Apple Certified Pro). He also acts as an external consultant and external examiner for other universities. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a member of the Executive Committee of BESA (the British Education Studies Association), for which he acts as Secretary. He is on the Board of Reviewers for the journals: Pastoral Care in Education, Educational Futures, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, and Transformations, and is currently co-editor of Educational Futures.