Newman hosts 2 day PALA Summer School

23/07/2018 by Sinead Staunton

PALA Summer Conference

Newman University is currently hosting this year’s Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) Summer School across two days, Monday 23rd and Tuesday 24th July.

The event is part of a larger PALA event which is to be hosted at the University of Birmingham, however, Stephen Pihlaja, Reader in Stylistics at Newman University, Birmingham is hosting the two day Summer School on campus at Newman.

The event is for those of the association, and will see over 30 participants from all over the UK and Europe visit Newman for both days.

Stephen commented “PALA is the largest stylistics association in the world, with over 400 members from all over the world using linguistics tools to analyse literature. The Summer School brings together world-leading researchers with PhD and early-career researchers to learn and practice ground-breaking methods of analysis.”

Stephen is also co-organising the main PALA conference which is set to take place later this week, further details can be found on the PALA 2018 website.