Newman Sport Subject Area sees work published

03/09/2020 by Sinead Staunton

Human Performance Lab at Newman University

The Sport academic team at Newman University, Birmingham have recently seen their work published in the Journal ‘Science and Medicine in Football’.

Newman University’s Graduate Assistant in Sport and Exercise, Matt Ellis; Professor in Quantitative Methods, Dr Tony Myers; and Senior Lecturer in Sport and Health, Dr Ibrahim Akubat all co-authored the article which was published in August. This particular piece of research focussed on identifying which method is best to use when monitoring elite soccer practice and matches. Typically, methods involve the use of heart rate data and running statistics which track every players movement over the entire season. This project concentrated on the “pre-season” part where players are looking to improve their fitness, so it is important the training load monitoring can reflect this and help guide practitioners on how much training is enough for each player.

The article is entitled ‘The Dose-Response Relationship Between Training Load Measures and Aerobic Fitness in Elite Academy Soccer Players’ which also enables students studying a sports degree at Newman University to be involved with collecting data as part of the research project. This type of work allows students to practise skills they have learnt on their Sport degrees such as sampling and analysing blood, V02max protocols and familiarise themselves with practical equipment such as heart rate and GPS analysis. Students also meet industry experts which provides a platform to interact and network with professional coaches, staff and players. Such experience lends itself to wider career aspects and allows students to enhance their CV whilst completing a Sports degree here at Newman University, Birmingham.

To read the article visit the Taylor & Francis website.