Newman volunteer embarks on trip of a lifetime to Holy Land

24/01/2019 by Sinead Staunton

Caroline Collins CAFOD volunteer

A young woman based in the Chaplaincy at Newman University has recently embarked on a three-week long trip of a lifetime to meet communities in the Holy Land who have been supported by the international development charity CAFOD.

22-year-old Caroline Collins is devoting a year of her life to volunteering for CAFOD in her local area and will now get the chance to meet the communities whose lives have been changed by the fundraising of people in Birmingham.

On her return, Caroline will share messages from the overseas communities she has met with her own community – in schools, parishes and local groups.

Caroline, who is a Human Geography graduate, said: “I’m really looking forward to beginning to understand what the daily reality is for those living in the birthplace of three major religions. I’m also excited by the prospect of witnessing how CAFOD is working with young people from the Holy Land.

“It is these young people that I know will inspire me, so that on my return to Newman University I will be able to share individual and honest portrayals of those I will encounter.”

CAFOD’s local representative in Birmingham, Lizzie Wignall, added: “We’re so proud of Caroline’s contribution and we are so excited to hear about her experiences in the Holy Land.

“It’s great that she will be able to experience first-hand the work of our partners and learn so much about the lives of the people she meets, and then be able to share this with so many of CAFOD’s supporters back in the UK.”

Applications for next year’s Step into the Gap programme are now open, visit the CAFOD website to find out more.