United by Birmingham 2022 endorses Newman Symposia

02/06/2020 by Sinead Staunton

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The ‘Mental Health through Sport’ Symposium Series that Dr Adam Benkwitz co-founded, and that Newman University hosts, has been endorsed by ‘United by Birmingham 2022’. The symposia are based on the partnership between the University, Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust, Sport Birmingham and the West Midlands Combined Authority (see MentalHealthThroughSport.com or @MHtSport on Twitter). The aim of the series is to bring together people from various sectors to share ideas, practice and research to use sport to enhance the mental health of people across Birmingham and the West Midlands. 

There will be a symposium each year for four years leading up to a two-day international conference just before the 2022 Commonwealth. The first two events were held in 2018 and 2019, both sold out. The presentations and workshops bring together a mix of academic researchers, health practitioners, sports practitioners and coaches, charity workers, teachers, local and national government and anyone else that has an interest in mental health and sport.​ 

For more information on the Commonwealth Games 2022 United by Birmingham projects, please the Birmingham 2022 website.