Estates Development 2023 – 2030
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Have you got a question about the campus developments at Birmingham Newman University?
Browse our FAQs to find the answer. If you can’t find your question, feel free to contact Estates.
General FAQs
The Demolition of Edgbaston Halls of Residence and the Ryland Quad landscaping project. In the background we are working on the design of the campus frontage.
Some areas of the University are starting to show their age, Edgbaston Halls had reached the end of its life.
Construction will begin in June 2024. The projects are expected to be completed by early November with the internal Ryland quad works. Specific timelines for each project will be updated as work progresses.
Currently no.
City Demolition will do the demolition of the Edgbaston building. The quad landscaping works is currently being developed and will go out to tender in the next 3 weeks, after this we will know who will be delivering the landscaping scheme.
We have implemented a one-way system for the demolition work, and have handed the Cromwell Lane car park over to the contractor. One gate serves as the entrance, while the other serves as the exit.
It will remain in its current location for this year, however future plans for the front of the campus will mean a new location.
The focus is on the landscaping works, which encourage outside learning and studying.
Yes, new lighting will be installed into the both landscaping schemes with smart lighting in certain locations.
Contact the Estates directly and Darren Grainger who is the site foreman for City Demolition.
Edgbaston Halls demolition
The building has reached its end of life.
The current plan is by the end of July / first week in August 2024
City Demolition is the main contractor.
Furniture has been reused at the University, donated to local charities, donated to staff and the rest has been recycled.
Don’t panic we have the crest and name in storage, ready to re-use.
A soft landscaping scheme.
Safety and communication
Each project will be carried out in its own self-contained area. Birmingham Newman University has also enlisted additional support to assist with the health and safety of these projects.
Updates will be shared on this webpage. Staff and students will also receive updates in their weekly bulletin.
Environmental and community impact
The construction process and demolition process must comply with the requirements of protecting our environment, these include dust control measures, decontamination of the building prior to the demolition. The environmental clean-up of the Edgbaston Halls building will begin on the week commencing 17th June 2024.
This may impact on a small number of trees on campus, however the University Landscaping Management Strategy states that for every one tree impacted, the University must replace with 3 trees. If any trees are removed, they will be replaced with native trees.
This project focuses on biodiversity improvements within all aspects of the project. Native trees, plants and hedging will be planted across the entire University campus. Additionally, a biodiversity survey was conducted prior to the project’s design to guide these efforts.
Drop-in clinics
Birmingham Newman University is committed to keeping everyone informed about the progress of this project.
If you have any questions or would like further information about these developments, please attend one of the scheduled drop-in clinics.
Thursday 6th June, 14:00 – 15:00Thursday 20th June, 14:00 – 15:00Thursday 11th July, 14:00 – 15:00
All clinics will take place in the main St Chad’s Atrium at Birmingham Newman University.