FAQs – Retrieval Year

FAQs – Retrieval Year

Last Updated: December 6th 2023

What is a Retrieval Year?


A Retrieval Year is distinct from a Retake Year. It is designed to allow students to “catch up” if they have a significant number of modules not passed.

The purpose of the Retrieval Year is to allow students the opportunity to resit modules already studied without the pressure of additional modules building up; these resits will be split between the October and April submission points.


What has the University introduced it?


It is designed to enable students to take the year to complete their resits where they have a number to complete.  It is also designed to help those students who have already used an extra year of study and would not normally be given further funding to retake the year.


What does it mean for my tuition fees?


Students undertaking a Retrieval Year will not be liable for tuition fees.


Am I entitled to any funding from the Student Loan’s Company?


However it also means students are not entitled to maintenance loans from the Student Loan Company and cannot apply for University hardship funds


Who can give me more finance advice?


Tammy Oyekanmi and other colleagues in Student Support may be able to offer advice on other forms of funding (non-Student Loan funding)


What support can I get during the Retrieval Year?


Students who are required to undertake a Retrieval Year will have access to some University facilities. However, academic support will be limited to that provided by the Academic Support Advisers and the Academic Personal Tutor. Students will also have access to the library and Moodle.


What am I required to do on the Retrieval Year?


Students will be required to complete a Retrieval Plan which will be signed off by their Academic Personal Tutor.  They will also be required to meet with an Academic Support Advisor and Academic Personal Tutor. The number of meetings undertaken will be specified in the Retrieval Plan and will be reviewed at the end of Semester 1 by the Academic Personal Tutor or the Programme Leader. Progress against the Retrieval Plan will be monitored by the Programme Assessment Board, students will need to achieve 35% of the credits for the year at the semester 1 assessment board, 50% at the semester 2 assessment board and 80% by the end of the Retrieval Year.


What if I already have Mitigating Circumstances?


Students are allowed to carry forward existing mitigating circumstances and may apply for mitigating circumstances for assessments being undertaken during the Retrieval Year. However, they will need to have achieved 35% of the credits for the year at the semester 1 assessment board, 50% at the semester 2 assessment board and 80% by the end of the Retrieval Year.


Am I able to still get my DSA funding?


No – as they are not expected to pay tuition fees, they cannot get DSA funding.


What other options are open to me instead of a Retrieval Year?


The student can ask to retake the year instead.  This will however require payment of your tuition fees, and is dependent on thee Student Loans Company agreeing to fund the student.


Can I appeal instead for another outcome?


Yes.  If the student believes there are circumstances that affected their performance, they can submit a review stage appeal using the forms available on the Assessments pages to seek a different decision.  However the University is always careful to consider how much work students are required to undertake and will generally not allow a student to enter the next year of study if they have 60 credits or more to resit as well as their next level of study.


Where can I get further information from?


Students should email the Assessments or the Finance Office.  Their personal academic tutor can also provide advice.


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