Graduation Confirmation
Last Updated: August 29th 2024

See details about eligibility to attend Graduation (i.e. Final Year Resits or Masters).
To complete Graduation Confirmation, you will be directed to the task on the mynewman home page. This will lead you through all the steps required, including confirming your name and current address, regardless of whether you wish to attend, graduate in absentia or defer your graduation.
Details will be sent to your external email, so please ensure this is up to date on the mynewman contact details page.
Please contact the Graduation team if you have any questions.
Confirming your attendance means coming to the Graduation ceremony, where you will cross the stage and receive your award certificate. You will be required to wear academic dress, if you attend Graduation. You can purchase guest tickets for family and friends.
If you are unable to attend the ceremony after you have confirmed your attendance, you must inform the Graduation team as soon as possible.
Graduating in Absentia
Confirming that you wish to graduate in absentia means that you will not attend the Graduation ceremony. Your award certificate will be sent by Recorded Delivery after the date of the ceremonies.
Once you have confirmed that you are graduating in absentia, you will be removed from further Graduation correspondence. If you have not received your award certificate by Friday 6th December 2024, please contact the Graduation team.
Deferring Graduation
By confirming your intention to defer your Graduation to the next ceremonies, you acknowledge that the production of your award certificate will be delayed until then. This means that the date on your award certificate will not be the date of the Board at which it was agreed, or the current Graduation, but will be the date of the next Graduation in 2025.
After confirming your intention, you must send a formal request in writing (email is accepted) , outlining the reasons for your deferral. Requests will be considered by the Graduation team and a formal confirmation will be sent to those that are agreed, after which you will receive no further Graduation correspondence for the current ceremonies. Requests for deferrals received after the deadline will not be considered.
In the case of an emergency or force majeure, events associated with the student lifecycle i.e. graduation ceremonies may need to be cancelled.