Alexis qualified as a Registered Mental Health Nurse in 2008 and started her career in nurse education in 2010 at Keele University, Staffordshire, after publishing her Mental Health Nursing degree dissertation in the Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
Up until 2016 Alexis managed a joint appointment whereby, she worked as a Mental health Nurse in both higher education and clinical practice. During this time, she maintained clinical posts in practice working in various prison settings designing and developing primary mental health services to provide equivalent care for people in prison to give them access to the same range and quality of care available to the general population.
Whilst in forensic mental health settings she spent most of her career working with people with a range of mental health problems however she specialised in area of Personality Disorder, and she is Dialectical Behaviour Therapy skills trained.
Throughout her career in nursing education, she transitioned from the role of lecturer to becoming Award Lead for a large nursing programme during the COVID-19 pandemic prior to joining Newman University in October 2022.
Alexis is excited about being part of a new School of Nursing and Allied Health at Newman University and the prospect of creating a new way to educate and develop the Mental Health Nurses of the future.
Research Interests
- The use of technology enhanced learning in nursing education
- The role simulation in preparing student mental health nurses for clinical practice
- Resilience and reflective practice in nurse education
- Personality Development and Personality Disorder
- Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
- Mindfulness
- Forensic Mental Health Care
- Common Mental Health problems across the lifespan
- Low level brief therapeutic interventions
- Children and Young Peoples Mental Health
Administrative Responsibilities
- Head of Subject for Mental Health Nursing
- School Lead for Experts By Experience
Membership of Professional Organisations
Nursing and Midwifery Council – Registered Mental Health Nurse
Nursing and Midwifery Council – Registered Teacher
Higher Education Academy Fellow
Mental Health Nurse Academics UK member
Other Activities
Warrilow, A. & Beech, B. (2009). Self-help CBT for depression: opportunities for primary care mental health nurses? Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Vol:16, P.792-803.
Warrilow, A. (2012). Improving the Mental Health Care of Prisoners. Mental Health Practice. Vol:15, No:8, P.20-24.
MA Research – Warrilow A. (2017). An Investigation into Academic Staff Perceptions of Technology Enhanced Learning for Pre-registration Student Nurses at a School of Nursing & Midwifery in one Midlands University.
Warrilow A. (2018). The impact of loss on mental health: Implications for practice in Read, S. Santatzoglou, S. and Wrigley, A. (2018). Loss, Dying and Bereavement in the Criminal Justice System ; London: Routledge p.150.
Warrilow, A. & Beech, B. (2009). Self-help CBT for depression: opportunities for primary care mental health nurses?. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, , Vol:16, P.792-803.
Warrilow, A. (2012). Improving the Mental Health Care of Prisoners. . Mental Health Practice., Vol:15, No:8, P.20-24.
MA Research – Warrilow A. (2017). An Investigation into Academic Staff Perceptions of Technology Enhanced Learning for Pre-registration Student Nurses at a School of Nursing & Midwifery in one Midlands University. .
Warrilow A. (2018). The impact of loss on mental health: Implications for practice in Read, S. Santatzoglou, S. and Wrigley, A. (2018). Loss, Dying and Bereavement in the Criminal Justice System ;. London: Routledge, p.150.