Andrew Csizmadia


Andrew is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science having taught computer science in secondary, sixth form and further education establishments. Prior to coming to Newman, Andrew was a Centre Manager at Birmingham City University leading the developments of the teaching of network technologies and supporting Cisco Netacad programme throughout Europe, Middle East, and Africa.

Andrew has a passion for computing education and has served on and continues to serve on both national and international computing education working groups. Output of these groups includes the annual UK Bebras Challenge, Computational thinking: A guide for teachers, What We Talk About When We Talk About Programs and Using Educational Robotics Research to Transform the Classroom. In addition, Andrew writes extensively about computing education, and coaches and mentors computing educators and education technology entrepreneurs.


Research Interests

Computing Education

Creative Computing



Technology Enhanced Learning

Member of the Association for Computer Machinery

Secretary for Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association

Trustee for Technology, Pedagogy and Education Association

Member of Computing at School’s Assessment Group

Member of Computing at School’s Physical Computing Group



External Role

External Examiner: Roehampton University (PGCE Secondary Computing)

External Examiner Portsmouth University (PGCE Secondary Computing)

Member of the United Kingdom’s Working Group representing the 2017 –

Member of the International Bebras Working Group representing the United Kingdom 2018 –

Member of Digital Competence (DigComp) 2.2 Working Group 2021 –

Digital Schoolhouse Regional Lead Co-ordinator 2022 –

Co-editor of International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools (IJCSES) 2022 –

Guest Editor for Informatics in Education journal Volume 21 Issue 4 (2002)

Reviewer for computing conferences

Other Activities


Lonati, V., Brodnik, A., Bell, T., Csizmadia, A.P., De Mol, L., Hickman, H., Keane, T., Mirolo, C. and Monga, M., 2022. What We Talk About When We Talk About Programs. In Proceedings of the 2022 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (pp. 117-164).


Lonati, V., Brodnik, A., Bell, T., Csizmadia, A.P., De Mol, L., Hickman, H., Keane, T., Mirolo, C., Monga, M. and Tedre, M., 2022, July. Characterizing the Nature of Programs for educational purposes. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Vol. 2 (pp. 572-573).


Csizmadia, A. and Audain, J., 2022. Using digital technologies for professional practice. In Learning to Teach in the Secondary School (pp. 54-70). London: Routledge.


Brodnil, A., Csizmadia, A., Futschek, G., Kralj, L., Lonati, V., Micheuz, P. and Monga, M. 2021. Programming for all: Understanding the nature of programs. Available at:


Maiorana, F., Csizmadia, A.P. and Richards, G.M., 2021, April. Metrics Based on Attention Metadata for Learning Resource and Assessment Repository. In 2021 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON) (pp. 413-419). IEEE.


Paterson, J., Adams, J., White, L., Csizmadia, A., Erdil, D.C., Foster, D., Hills, M., Kazmi, Z., Kuber, K., Nazir, S. and Sakr, M., 2021. Designing Dissemination and Validation of a Framework for Teaching Cloud Fundamentals. In Proceedings of the 2021 Working Group Reports on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (pp. 163-181).


Paterson, J., Adams, J., White, L., Csizmadia, A., Erdil, D.C., Foster, D., Hills, M., Kazmi, Z., Kuber, K., Nazir, S. and Sakr, M., 2021, June. Planning a Conceptual Framework Approach for Teaching Cloud Fundamentals. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2 (pp. 605-606).


Maiorana, F., Csizmadia, A.P. and Richards, G.M., (2020) December. Managing Data and Projects: Lessons Learnt from Comparing Computing Curricula. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE) (pp. 165-172). IEEE.


Maiorana, F., Csizmadia, A.P. and Richards, G.M., (2020) October. P12 Computing in Italy, England and Alabama, USA. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (pp. 242-247).


Maiorana, F., Csizmadia, A., Richards, G. and Riedesel, C. (2020) ‘Recursion versus iteration: A comparative approach for algorithm comprehension’. In International Conference on Interactive Collaborative and Blended Learning. New York, NY: Springer, pp. 247-.259.


Csizmadia, A. and Audain, J. (2020) ‘Digital technologies: Pedagogies and classroom practice’, in Capel, S., Lawrence, J., Leask, M. and Younie, S. (eds.) Surviving and thriving in the secondary school: The NQT’s essential companion Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 213-232.


Csizmadia, A., Standl, B. and Waite, J. (2019) ‘Integrating the Constructionist Learning Theory with Computational Thinking Classroom Activities’, Informatics in Education, vol 18, no. 1, pp. 41 – 67.


Berry, M.G. & Csizmadia, A.P. (2018) “England: The Silent C in STEM”, What is the position of mathematics and informatics in a coherent STEM curriculum? Proceedings of the CIDREE STEM meeting 2016, ed. Tolboom, J., Doorman,M., SLO (nationaal expertisecentrum leerplanontwikkeling), Enschede, 11/22/2016, pp. 11 – 22.


Catlin, D., Kandlhofer, M., Holmquist, S., Csizmadia, A.P., Angel-Fernandez, J. and Cabibihan, J.J., (2018). EduRobot Taxonomy and Papert’s Paradigm. In Constructionism 2018: Constructionism, Computational Thinking and Educational Innovation.


Dorling, M. and Csizmadia, A. (2018) Om att utveckla programmering: lärdomar från. In (Selander, S., Åkerfeldt, A., and Kjällander. S. eds.) Programmering och Digital Kompetens. Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet.


Savage, M. and Csizmadia, A. (2017) ‘Computational Thinking and Creativity’. In: Younie, S. and Bradshaw, P. (eds.) Debates in ICT. London: Routledge, pp. 137-152.


Csizmadia, A. and Dorling M. (2017) ‘Supporting the Transition from Block to Text-Based Programming Languages’. EPAM SCRATCH 2017. Central European University, Budapest, 25th August.


Csizmadia, A. and Dorling M. (2017) ‘Supporting the Transition from Block to Text-Based Programming Languages’, SCRATCH 2017BDX. University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, 21st July.


Csizmadia, A. and Dorling M. (2017) ‘Supporting the Transition from Block to Text-Based Programming Languages’, CONSTRUIT 2017. University of Warwick, Coventry, 14th July.


Csizmadia, A., Boulton, H. and Ireson, G. (2017) ‘Which way to assess computational thinking?’, CONSTRUIT 2017. University of Warwick, Coventry, 13th July.


Csizmadia, A. and Boulton, H., (2017). Computational Thinking–Back to the Future. In Conference Proceedings. The Future of Education (pp. 108 – 109). libreriauniversitaria. it Edizioni.


Sentance, S. and Csizmadia, A. (2017) March. Professional Recognition Matters: Certification for In-service Computer Science Teachers. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (pp. 537 – 542). ACM.


Sentance, S., Sinclair, J., Simmons, C. and Csizmadia, A., (2016) October. Teacher Research Projects in Computing. In Proceedings of the 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (pp. 110 – 111). ACM.


Sentance, S. and Csizmadia, A. (2016) ‘Computing in the curriculum: Challenges and strategies from a teachers’ perspective’. In: Brodnik, A. and Lewin, C. (eds.) Education and Information Technologies. Springer: New York, NY, pp. 1 – 27.


Csizmadia, A., Cuzon, P., Dorling, M., Humphreys, S., Ng, T., Selby, C. and Woollard, J. (2015) Computational thinking: A guide for teachers. London: British Computer Society.


Smith, N., Allsop, Y., Caldwell, H., Hill, D., Dimitriadi, Y. and Csizmadia, A. P. (2015) ‘Master Teachers in Computing: What have we achieved?’ Proceedings of the Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education. New York: ACM., pp.21 -2 4.


Csizmadia, A. and Boulton, H. (2015) Computational Thinking – The Evolving Definition. ECER 2015 “Education and Transition. Contributions from Educational Research”. Corvinus University of Budapest. 7th-11th September.


Csizmadia, A. (2015) Development and Validation of an Instrument to Determine Trainee Computer Science Teachers’ Perceptions Of Computational Thinking. EERA’s Emerging Researchers Conference. Corvinus University of Budapest. 7th-9th September.


Giordano, D., Marsden, S., Maiorana, F., Riedesel, C., Csizmadia, A. and Mishra, S. (2015) VIVA: the Vilnius collaboratively coded and Validated computer science questions repository for Assessment. ITiCSE-15, 20th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. Seimas Palace, Vilnius, Lithuania, 3rd-8th July.


Sentance, S. and Csizmadia, A. (2015) Teachers’ perspectives on successful strategies for teaching Computing in school. In: Brodnik, A. and Lewin, C. (eds.) IFIP TC3 Working Conference “A New Culture of Learning: Computing and next Generations”. Vilnius, Vilnius University, pp. 201 – 210.


Catlin, D., Csizmadia, A. P., O’Meara, J. G. and Younie, S. (2015) Using Educational Robotics Research to Transform the Classroom. 6th International Conference on Robotics in Education. HEIG-VD, Western Switzerland University of Applied Sciences and Art, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland. 20th-22nd May, pp. 15 – 19.


Csizmadia, A. and Pattison, E. (2014) Deconstruct, Digest, EAT Pilot Study of a Tool for Evaluating Language Apps. 7th International ICT for Language Learning Conference. Florence, 13th-14th November. libreriauniversitaria. it Edizioni, pp. 162-166.


Csizmadia, A. (2014) Scratch and Makey Makey. Scratch@MIT 2014 Conference. MIT, Boston, MA., 6th-8th August.


Csizmadia, A. (2014) Development and Validation of an Instrument To Determine Trainee Computer Science Teachers’ Perceptions Of Computational Thinking. Breaking Boundaries 2014: First Annual Professional Research Practice Conference. Nottingham Trent University. 15th May.


Csizmadia, A. (2013) Discovering Computational Thinking Genes amongst Pre-service Teachers with Scratch and Scrape. European Scratch Conference. Citilab Cornellà, Barcelona, 24th-27th July.


Csizmadia, A. and Boulton, H. (2013) The Neverending Story’-Using Eportfolios as a Digital Storytelling Tool with Preservice and Existing Teachers–A Comparative Study between Two Universities. 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, 4th-5th March, pp. 5573-5780.


Boulton, H. and Csizmadia, A. (2012) ePortfolio as a mirror: Trainee teachers reflecting on their learning through digital narrative. ALT-C 2012 a confrontation with reality 19th International Conference. University of Manchester, 11th-13th September.


Csizmadia, A. and Bailey, A. (2011) 15 minutes of fame: developing critically reflective practitioners through the use of video. 2nd TEAN Conference: The Importance of Education. University of Manchester, 2nd May.


Csizmadia, A. (2009) Mahara and Professional Development. Mahara09. Institute of Education, London, 15th July.
