Charlotte is the Head of Applied Arts and Humanities at Newman University and a HEA Fellow. Originally from Bartley Green, Charlotte studied for her undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Birmingham. Her ARHC-funded PhD, ‘Cultural Expressions of Episcopal Power, 1070–c.1150’ was awarded in July 2011. Before moving to Newman in 2015, Charlotte taught at the University of Birmingham and the University of Warwick.
Current Teaching
Charlotte co-developed BA Applied Humanities (accelerated degree) with her colleague Dr Emma Folwell in 2019. She currently teaches on the programme and works closely with final-year students designing and developing their project work. In addition to this, she is also responsible for several undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including BA Drama, BA English, BA History and MA Applied Humanities.
Other Activities
Charlotte has a particular interest in widening access to higher education and providing high-quality, high-value courses that work well for all students. As well as maintaining a research interest in History and Humanities, she has undertaken training in well-being and is currently working towards a qualification in leadership and coaching.
Selected Conference Papers
‘The Bishop as a Man: Gendered Discourses on Episcopal Power’, International Medieval Congress, Leeds University, 3 July 2019
Ecclesiastical History Society Summer Conference, ‘A new Constitutional History: Reassessing the English Primacy Dispute, 1070–c.1150’, Ecclesiastical History Society, Cambridge University, 24 July 2018
‘Episcopal Power and the Decline and Fall of the Anglo-Norman Empire’, Ecclesiastical History Society, Edinburgh University, 27 July 2016
A racial nation: ethnocentric nationalism and historical representations of the Norman conquest’ (pending submission).
Lewandowski (2018) ‘Old Saints and New Cathedrals: Expressing Episcopal Power in Durham’s New Cathedral in the Late Eleventh Century’, in (eds.) Peter Coss, Chris Dennis, Melissa Julian-Jones, and Angelo Silvestri, Episcopal Power and Local Society in Medieval Europe, 900–1400. Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 221-238.