Kate is a Senior Lecturer and the programme leader for Psychology and Childhood Studies in the department of Health and Behavioural Sciences at Newman University. She has a doctorate in Developmental Neuropsychology from The University of Birmingham. Kate is fully trained in electroencephalography (EEG) methods and her expertise lie within developmental and cognitive psychology as well as neuropsychology. Her main research areas are mother-infant interactions within emotional based disorders, social processing and theory of mind. Katharine is also an Honorary Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg.
Research Interests
Kate’s research is focused on exploring the impact of emotion-based disorders such as depression and anxiety on infant and maternal behaviours. In addition, Kate is interested in exploring how an individual’s theory of mind can impact their social interaction and how different factors such as culture, gender and age can contribute. Kate is also currently involved in a study with the NHS, exploring the relationship between social support, and nutritional and physical activity adherence in bariatric surgery outcome.
Kate is the programme leader for Psychology and Childhood studies. She teaches on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
Administrative Responsibilities
Senior Lecturer
Programme Leader
Ethics Link Tutor
Conferences and Other Research Activity
Graham, K. A., Blissett, J., Antoniou, E., Zeegers, M., & McCleery, J. P. (July, 2016). Effects of maternal depression in the still-face paradigm: A meta-analysis. Poster presented at the 11th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (ICCAP), London, UK.
Graham, K. A., Blissett, J., Endo, S., & McCleery, J. P. (June, 2012). The effect of Social and Non Social Stimuli Upon Infant and Adult Frontal Electroencephalography (EEG) Asymmetries at Rest. Poster presented at the 18th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), Minneapolis, MN.
McCleery, J. P., Graham, K. A., Richards, J. E., Allen, H. A., Ceponiene, R., & Nielsen, D. (November, 2011). Neural mechanisms of pre-lexical speech processing: A view through repetition suppression. Poster presented in session Language: Auditory, Comprehension, and Gene Studies, at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC
McCleery, J. P., Ceponiene, R., Nielsen, D., & Graham, K. A. (September, 2010). Neurodevelopmental mechanisms of speech versus non-speech processing: A view through repetition suppression. Talk presented in symposim Event-related potentials studies of the development and maturation of auditory sensory and perceptual processing mechanisms, at the British Psychological Society Developmental Psychology Section Conference, London, England.
Article Publications
Graham, K. A., Blissett, J., Antoniou, E., Zeegers, M., & McCleery, J. P. (2018). Effects ofmaternal depression in the Still-Face Paradigm: A meta-analysis. Infant Behavior and Development, 50, 154-164.
McCleery, J.P., Surtees, A. D. R., Graham, K. A., Richards, J. E., & Apperly, I. A. (2011). The Neural and Cognitive Time Course of Theory of Mind. Journal of Neuroscience, 31 (36).12849 –12854.
Carroll, D.J., Apperly, I.A, Riggs, K.J., & Graham, K. (2012). How do novel response modes help 3 to 4-year-olds to act on rules that induce response conflict? Cognitive Development, 31 (3),312-325.
Book Publication
McCleery, J. P., Stefanidou, C., & Graham, K. A. (2011). Neurodevelopmental of Social/Non-social Functioning Differences in Austim. In CARLS Series of Advanced Logic and Sensibility, Volume 5, 2011(pp. 383-400). Japan, Tokyo: Keio University Press.