Dr Mohammed Jakhara is the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Society and Professional Studies. Mohammed is a qualified and registered Social Worker. Before joining Newman University in 2019 Mohammed was the Head of the Institute of Education at the University of Derby. Mohammed’s other roles in Higher Education have included being the Head of School for Social Work, Allied and Public Health at Staffordshire University, Head of Subject for Social and Community Studies at the University of Derby and a Senior Lecturer. Before moving into academia Mohammed worked for a Local Authority initially as a Social Worker, then as the Service Manager for Adoption before being promoted to the role of Senior Project Manager for Children’s Services.
Mohammed is an active researcher with a focus on the adoption of children in England. His other areas of research include children and young people’s experience of the care system, using a social pedagogical approach to improve outcomes for children in care and involving service users and carers in the design and delivery of education programmes.
Mohammed has a significant amount of experience of working internationally including working with partners across Europe. He has also worked with education providers in North America, the Middle East, Malaysia and China.
Mohammed maintains links with practice through his work with Fostering and Adoption Panels. Mohammed’s Doctorate is in Health and Social Care.
Doctor of Health and Social Care (University of Derby 2018)
Masters in Business Administration (MBA) (University of Derby 2010)
Post Graduate Programme in Learning and Teaching (University of Derby 2008)
NVQ 5 Operational Management (Affirm 4/University of Derby 2005)
Post Qualified Social Worker (PQSW) (Nottingham University 2000)
Post Graduate Certificate Child Care (Nottingham University 2000)
BA, (Hons) Applied Social Studies (Sheffield City Polytechnic 1992)
Certificate of Qualification in Social Work (CQSW) (Sheffield City Polytechnic 1992)
Social Policy
Child Protection & safeguarding
Inter-agency and inter-professional working
Adoption and Fostering
Leadership & Management
Attachment patterns across the life course.
Membership of professional bodies
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Member of the British Association of Social Work
Registered with the Social Work England
Other Activities
Conference presentations
The history of adoption. A critical review. (2019) British Association of Social Workers. Keynote Speaker.
Attracting future teachers into ITE – partnerships between schools and universities, promoting alternative pathways into teaching and addressing shortage subjects. (2019). Westminster Education Forum Keynote Seminar: Priorities for improving teacher recruitment and retention.
Higher education fit for the future. International Teachers conference (2019) University of Bahrain.
Culture, risk and relationships. (2018) Partnerships in Children’s Services. Keynote speech.
Faculty of Education Conference. The Student Voice. Expert, customer or community of learning? (2017) Canterbury Christchurch University. Keynote Speaker
Designated Teachers Conference. Risk, relationships and rapport. (2017) University of Derby. Workshop.
The Childhood Research Cluster. The motivations, perceptions and experiences of adopters. (2017) Keynote speech. University of Derby.
Faculty of Education Conference. The Student Voice. Expert, customer or community of learning? (2017) Canterbury Christchurch University. Keynote Speaker
Adoption Learning Event (2015) Staffordshire County Council. Keynote Speaker
The Journey to Adopt: Perceptions and experiences of prospective adoptive parents (2013) British Association of Social Workers. Keynote Speaker.
BAAF Seminar. The Journey to Adopt: Perceptions and experiences of approved adoptive parents (2014) British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering.
BASW Seminar. The Journey to Adopt: Perceptions and experiences of prospective adoptive parents (2013) British Association of Social Workers.
Social Work Conference. (2013) Involving Service Users and Carers in Social Work Education (2013) Lancaster University
Involving Service Users and Carers in Social Work Education (2013) Huddersfield University. Workshop Presenter
Designated Teachers Conference. (2009) The voice of the looked after child. Guest Speaker/Workshop facilitator.
School Nurse Conference (2007) Experiences of Looked After Children. University of Derby Guest Speaker.
Student Conference. Diversity in Fostering & Adoption (2007) University of Derby – Guest Speaker.
Multi agency learning event. Children in Need Services for Children and Families from Black and Minority Ethnic Children (2006) Derby City Council – Key Note Speaker.
Media appearances
Social mobility and the role of education. (2019) Radio Ikhlas
Partners for progress (2019). Peak FM and Chesterfield radio.
The impact of Brexit on Higher Education. (2019) Sky News
The value of education. (2019) Ambur FM.
Routes into teaching. (2019) BBC Radio Derby.
Jakhara, M. (2019) Improving social mobility through meaningful partnership. FE News. [Accessed 02/02/2019]
Jakhara, M. (2014) The journey to adopt a child – A pilot mixed methods study of aspiring parents’ perceptions of the adoption process.The Journal of New Writing in Health and Social Care. 1:1 pp1-13.
Moore, N. Jakara, M. Bowie, J. and Marriott, J. (2013). Social Pedagogy: A Scoping Project for Derbyshire County Council. Summary Report. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies (iCeGS), University of Derby.
Jakhara, M. and Feldman, N. (2008) Communicating with Children and Young People Looked After. University of Derby.