Becky Lees joined the University in May 2023 as a Senior Lecturer in Physiotherapy. Before joining the University, Becky was a Senior Lecturer and the Practice Education Lead for Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy and at the University of Worcester. Becky joined academia in 2018, having previously gained clinical experience in the NHS as a Senior Physiotherapist in diverse settings such as ITU, respiratory, stroke, acute medicine, rehabilitation and trauma and orthopaedics before specialising in musculoskeletal outpatients.
Becky was recognised for her teaching excellence at the University of Worcester, becoming the recipient of a Teaching Award in 2021 for her work on creating innovative practice learning experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Becky is still a practising clinician within the musculoskeletal field in a private clinic in Worcestershire. Her clinical interests include health promotion and pre- and rehabilitation of sports and overuse injuries.
Becky’s research interests have focussed on practice education within allied health and reducing inequalities in physiotherapy education. She is currently working towards her MA in Education, whilst researching the impact of socioeconomic status on the attrition and attainment of students studying on pre-registration physiotherapy programmes. Previous research has also explored the experiences of occupational therapy and physiotherapy students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Membership of Professional Organisations:
Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Post Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (University of Worcester, 2021)
Bsc (Hons) Physiotherapy (Coventry University, 2014)
Other Activities
Research Activity/Publications
Conference Papers
Clouder, D., Williams, N., Adefila, A., and Lees, R. (2013) The Challenges and Benefits of Using Mobile Devices in Practice Settings. Physiotherapy Congress 2013 – Birmingham, United Kingdom
Wells, A., Lees, R., and Frank, H. (2021) Developing and delivering a virtual assistive technology training programme for mobility aids in Papua New Guinea. Virtual Physiotherapy UK November 2021 – Online, United Kingdom
Heaslop, A. and Lees, R. (2022) Occupational therapy and physiotherapy practice educator training: Learning from experiences of the pandemic to develop a hybrid training model. UW Learning and Teaching Conference 2022
Double, A. and Lees, R. (2022) Using virtual technology to facilitate international practice learning experiences for occupational therapy and physiotherapy students during the pandemic. UW Learning and Teaching Conference 2022
Frank, H., Grant, T., Thomas, Y., Lees, R. (2022) Student experiences of practice education during COVID 19 -Resilience and Readiness for employment. NET (Networking for Health Education) conference 2022, Lancaster University, Sept 6 & 7.