Sarah Parkes


Sarah is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA); an Advance HE 2019 Teaching Excellence Award winner (CATE) and 2020 National Teaching Fellow. She is also a Newman Distinguished Teaching Fellow and recipient of several Newman Students Union Excellence Awards for partnership working as well as being two-time finalist of Times Higher Education awards regarding outstanding student support.


Research Interests

Through a new materialist and critical pedagogic lens, Sarah’s principal research interests centre on transdisciplinarity and intra-activity that creates notions of identity, collaborative practices, and pedagogies of mattering to enable student progression and success. Of note in this regard is the £96,055 HEfCE/OfS Catalyst and Newman University funded project ‘Collaborative development of pedagogic interventions based on learning analytics’ (2016-2018). She is particularly interested in how ‘diffractive analysis’ in research design can provide insights of our knowledge making practices as explored in her 2023 doctoral thesis.


Sarah leads teaching on the Post Graduate Certificate of Higher Education Practice and the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) route to Fellowship within the Professional Standards Framework (PSF 2023). She is a Personal Tutor across the Post Graduate Certificate of Higher Education Practice, as well as a PSF 2023 mentor and institutional mentor to colleagues. She leads workshops on academic essentials for teaching at Newman; student experience and learner journeys; the Flipped Classroom, teaching with technology and online pedagogies for internal staff and colleagues working in collaborative partner institutions. She is also a cohort lead and personal tutor on the University’s Integrated Foundation Year.

Administrative Responsibilities

Sarah leads and manages pedagogical projects in line with Action and Participation Plan commitments and strategic imperatives. She is Programme Leader for the PG Cert in HE Practice and CPD route to PSF Fellowship, liaising with Advance HE regarding programme accreditation to the Professional Standards Framework. She has established Communities of Practice around Peer Mentoring, the Flipped Classroom, and Hy-flex pedagogies. She is a member of Retention and Continuation Task group, Artificial Intelligence Interest group and Module Approval panels, and Chair of Assessment Boards and Validation Panel(s) as required. She is a founding Member of the Romero Freire Institute, soon to become the Centre for Education, Community and Social Justice at Birmingham Newman University. She is an external examiner at Abertay University for their AHEAD programme.

Membership of Professional Organisations

Member of Society for Research into Higher Education; CATE/ANTF Networks, European First Year Experience Network and Foundation Year Network.

Other Activities

Conferences and Other Research Activity

Parkes, S. (2023) ‘Troubling our ideas about agency in undergraduate student retention?’ [research seminar]. Centre for Community and Social Justice 2022-23 research seminar series, Newman University, Birmingham. 2 May 2023.

Bardy, H. and Parkes, S. (2023) ‘Generating the academic and social foundations for undergraduate student success through assessing engagement in formative tasks’ [conference presentation]. Discovery and Design for Academic and Social Success, European First Year Experience Network Annual Conference. Dundee, Scotland. 27-29 June 2023.

Keogh, P., Hepworth, J., Orrnert, A. and Parkes, S. (2022) ‘Facilitating successful university experiences: how undergraduate student mentors generate awareness of student need and feedforward into institutional improvement’ [conference presentation]. Annual Forum for Access and Continuing Education conference, University of Southampton, Southampton. 30 June 2023.

Doherty, L., Prange, G. Keogh, P., Brennan, J. and Parkes, S. (2022) ‘Mattering to and valued by the University: Foundation Year student’s perspective on the importance of intra-personal relationships for their success’ [conference presentation]. Annual Foundation Year Network conference. Aston University, Birmingham. July 2022.

Hepworth, J., Keogh, P. Orrnert, A. and Parkes, S. (2021) ‘Embedding feedback from the collective experiences of mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic’ [conference presentation]. Flippin’ Digital: Newman University Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Newman University, Birmingham. September 2021.

Parkes, S. (2021) ‘Imagining the River: successfully navigating university through building and embracing affective relationships’ [Online presentation]. The European First Year Experience Conference (EFYE) Annual Conference, Aarhus University, Denmark. June 2021.

Parkes, S. (2021) ‘Responding to the Pandemic: Assessment by engagement’ [online recorded conference presentation]. Shaping the Future, ANTF and CATE-net Annual Symposium. April 2021. Online

Parkes, S. and Benkwitz, A. (2020) ‘The Newman ‘using student engagement data’ journey’ [presentation]. ANTF and CATE-net Annual Symposium. Aston University. March 2020.

Parkes, S. (2020) ‘The Newman ‘Using student engagement data’ journey’ [keynote Address]. Jisc Learning Analytics Network meeting. Newman University, Birmingham. 12 February 2020.

Parkes, S. and Bardy. H. (2019) Can big data offer person-centred support for students? Teaching in the Spotlight: Innovation for Teaching Excellence, AdvanceHE Teaching and Learning Annual Conference, Newcastle University, 3 July 2019

Parkes, S., Bardy, H. and Benkwitz, A. (2019) ‘Student-Staff Partnerships: responding compassionately to ‘big data’, The Peaceful University – aspirations for academic futures, 6th International Academic Identities Conference 2018 (IAIC2018), Hiroshima University, Japan, 19-21 September 2018.

Preece, R., Bardy, H, Benkwitz, A. and Parkes, S. (2018), ‘Learning Analytics in the Student-Centred University: Perspectives and Partnerships at Newman University’, The European First Year Experience Conference (EFYE) 2018, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 25-27 June 2018.

Keeling, P., Preece, R., Bardy, H. and Parkes, S. (2018), ‘Learning analytics in the student-centred university: perspectives and partnerships at Newman University’, The Change Agents Network Conference 2018, University of Winchester, 19-20 April.

Akhtar, A., Preece, A., Myler, K. and Parkes, S. (2018) ‘Pro-active assessment of student activity: reflections on a pilot study into learning analytics at Newman University’, Digifest, Jisc, International Convention Centre, Birmingham, March 2018.

Parkes, S. (2017) in Bailey, P. (2017) ‘Jisc Learning Analytics Architecture in small and specialist providers’ [guest commentator], MASHEIN annual meeting, Royal Veterinary College. December 2017

Parkes, S. (2017) Academic and professional services in partnership to enhance the ‘student experience’ [seminar], Centre for the Study of Higher Education Seminar Series, University of Kent, Canterbury. November 2017.

Parkes, S. (2017) ‘What do students want from interventions?’ [presentation], JISC Learning Analytics Network, Aston University. October 2017.

Reeve, C. and Parkes, S. (2017) ‘Student Perspectives on Learning Analytics’, Digital Birmingham. Digbeth. June 2017.

Parkes, S. (2017) ‘A Curriculum Framework to Support Academic Transitions’ [presentation], Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Higher Education Academy and Action on Access ‘What Works? Phase Two’ culmination event. London. April 2017.

Parkes, S. (2017) ‘Learner Analytics in the student-centred university’ [conference presentation]. Annual Learning and Teaching Conference: Supporting Inclusive Learning, Newman University Birmingham, January 2017.

Parkes, S. (2017a) ‘A Curriculum Framework to Support Academic Transitions’ [conference presentation]. Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Higher Education A

Parkes, S. (2016) ‘Beyond the silos: partnership working for student success’ [keynote address], Faculty of Science Conference, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth. December 2016.

Parkes, S. (2016) ‘Beyond the Silos: working in partnership to promote effective student progression and success’ [workshop], HEA Wales, Ready for retention: effective systems for transition and student success, University South Wales Conference Centre, Pontypridd, Wales. July 2016.

Parkes, S. (2016) ‘Enhancing the student experience’ [keynote address], University of Hull Professional Services Forum. Hull. April 2016.

Locke, D., Bardy, H. and Parkes, S. (2015) ‘Promoting digital literacy in youth work’ [conference presentation]. Newman University Learning and Teaching Conference: Supporting Inclusive Learning, Newman University Birmingham. January 2015

Parkes, S. and Blackwell-Young, J. (2013) ‘Spanning Boundaries: Academics and Professionals in Partnership to Foster Student Engagement’, NACADA International Conference, Enhancing Student Success: A Global Perspective, University College Maastricht. Holland. June 2013

Cousins, H. and Parkes, S. (2013) ‘Super-Skill Me! Building staff capacity to promote student progression and success’ [conference presentation]. Enhancing Learning in Education and Professional Practice’, Newman University College. January 2013.

Blackwell-Young, J. and Parkes, S. (2012) ‘SAST: Fostering student engagement through supporting academic development’, HEA and Paul Hamlyn Foundation Retention Grants project culmination event, Retention Convention: What works? Student retention and success. York. March 2012.

Grain*, S. (2010). ‘Supporting student transition using a blended learning approach’ [conference presentation]. Hitting the ground running: reflections on pre-entry student support and new students’ academic preparedness for higher education. Glasgow Caledonian University. June 2010.

Grain*, S. (2010). ‘Evidence based practice: supporting student transition using a blended learning approach’ [conference presentation]. Retention Convention: What works? Student retention and success in Leeds. Part of the HEA and Paul Hamlyn Foundation Retention Grants project. March 2010.

Grain*, S. (2008) ‘Best practice in widening access initiatives at Glyndwr University’, [poster presentation]. Neither A Moment Nor A Mind To Waste: International Conference on Access to Post-Secondary Education, Institute for Learning, Toronto, Canada. Canadian Millennium Scholarship Foundation and European Access Network. April 2008.



Gilbert, G. and Parkes, S. (2023) ‘The digital divide: Students’ lived experiences of limited digital access’ in One Voice: Fusing Diverse Perspectives for Collective Action, Forum for Access and Continuing Education.

Hall, P., McGowan, K., Mathais, L., Snelleksz, S., Parkes, S. and Seal, M. (2021) ‘Foundation Years: Undoing Discourses of Deficit’ in Seal, M. (eds) Hopeful Pedagogies in Higher Education. London: Bloomsbury (pp. 137-148). DOI: 10.5040/9781350116566.0022

Parkes, S. and Mathais, L. (2021) The Rehearsal Space: Viewing Induction and Transition Work as a Critical Pedagogy Practice in Seal, M. (eds) Hopeful Pedagogies in Higher Education. London: Bloomsbury (pp. 118-127). DOI: 10.5040/9781350116566.0020

Parkes, S. and Beniston, J. (2021) ‘The Policy Context of Higher Education: Resistance is Possible’, in Seal, M. (eds) Hopeful Pedagogies in Higher Education. London: Bloomsbury (pp.48-58). DOI: 10.5040/9781350116566.0012

Parkes, S., Benkwitz, A., Bardy, H., Myler, K. and Peters, J. (2020) ‘Being more human: rooting learning analytics through resistance and reconnection with the values of Higher Education’, Higher Education Research & Development Special Issue. DOI:

Seal, M, and Parkes, S. (2019), ‘Pedagogy as Transition: student directed tutor groups on Foundation Years’ Journal of the Foundation Year Network, 2, (pp. 7-20). Available from:

Benkwitz, A., Parkes, S,  Bardy, H., Myler, K.,  Peters, J., Akhtar, A., Keeling, P. Preece, R., and Smith, T. (2019) ‘Using student data: Student-staff collaborative development of compassionate pedagogic interventions based on learning analytics and mentoring’, Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education. DOI

Parkes, S. (2018) ‘A learner developer perspective: critiquing dominant practices and cultures within university spaces’, Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, Special Edition: 2018 ALDinHE Conference, October 2018. ISSN: 1759-667X. Available here:

Davies, H., Bright, C., Parkes, S. and Cousins, H. (2017) ‘Introducing E-tivities to improve student engagement and success’, What Works? Student Retention and Success Phase Two, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Higher Education Academy and Action on Access.

Parkes, S., Cousins, H., Brotherton, G., Thomas, L., Hill, M., Yorke, M. and O’ Mahony, J. (2017) ‘Newman University Final Report’, What Works? Student Retention and Success Phase Two, Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Higher Education Academy and Action on Access.

Bardy, H., Loveland-Armour, L. and Parkes, S. (2016) ‘University, e-portfolio and students: perpetuating a sense of failure?’ in Compass: Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 9, No. 13. Available from:

Parkes, S., Blackwell-Young, J. and Cleaver, E. (2016) ‘Making partnerships work: practical strategies for building successful collaborations’ in Connecting the dots: Collaboration across learning support professions in higher education to enhance student learning. Huddersfield: Innovative Libraries.

Parkes, S. (2014) ‘Fostering a sense of belonging: supporting the early formation of student identity as successful learners in Higher Education’ in Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, No 7. Available from:

Parkes, S., Blackwell-Young, J., Cleaver, E. and Archibald, K. (2014) Academic and Professional Services in Partnership: literature review and overview of results, Higher Education Academy and Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. Available from:

Parkes, S., Blackwell-Young, J., Cleaver, E. and Archibald, K. (2014) Academics and Professional Services in Partnership: summary report and self-assessment toolkit, Higher Education Academy and Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. Available from:

Parkes, S., Blackwell-Young, J., Cleaver, E. and Archibald, K. (2014a). Academics and Professional Services in Partnership: summary report and self-assessment toolkit, Higher Education Academy and Leadership Foundation for Higher Education. Available from:

Parkes, S., Cousins, H. and Blackwell-Young, J. (2013). ‘Senior Academic Support Tutors: Fostering student engagement through supporting academic development’ in Clark, R. and Andrews, J. (eds.), Compendium of Effective Practice in Higher Education: 2nd Volume, York: Higher Education Academy. Available from:

Grain*, S. (2008) ‘Providing Higher Education Opportunities for New Communities’, Crossing Borders: Diversity in Higher Education (Migration, Integration and Lifelong Learning). European Access Network.