Sohail Khan


Sohail is Senior Lecturer for Primary Science and Forest School on PGCE and Undergraduate programmes. The main emphasis of Sohail’s teaching is around promoting an engaging and practical science experience and curriculum, and working towards the goal of maintaining children’s curiosity. After graduating with BSc (Hons) Environmental Biology from the University of Birmingham, Sohail completed the Graduate Teacher Programme (QTS) based in a Birmingham primary school. This followed employment with Education Welfare Services, working with vulnerable children across the city as well as one year as an Integration Assistant supporting children on the Autistic Spectrum. He then went on to work as a primary school teacher in schools across the West Midlands before joining Newman in 2011.

He is currently in the process of completing his MA in Education where his research focus is around the potential impact of a Forest School approach on the practice of trainee teachers in primary schools.  Over the last three years Sohail has continued to develop an existing partnership with Malardalen University in Sweden, taking groups of postgraduate students to explore the benefits of outdoor learning for children and young people.


Membership of Professional Bodies

Higher Education Academy

Association for Science Education

Association for the Study of Primary Education