Stephen is Senior Lecturer in Education, Childhood and Professional Studies, and teaches on a range of programmes, including the BA (Hons) in Education Studies, the BA (Hons) in Studies in Primary Education, the Foundation Degree in Learning and Teaching, the MA (Education) and the Professional Doctorate in Education (EdD), for which he also supervises doctoral students. Previously a Senior Lecturer in ICT, Stephen specialises in E-learning, and the use of multimedia in learning and teaching, with particular focus on web based materials and web design, as well as film making (he is an Apple Certified Pro). He also acts as external consultant and external examiner for other universities. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a member of the Executive Committee of BESA (the British Education Studies Association), for which he acts as Secretary. He is on the Board of Reviewers for the journals: Pastoral Care in Education, Educational Futures, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, and Transformations, and is currently co-editor of Educational Futures.
Research Interests
Stephen’s research interests include E-Learning, web 2.0 tools, social media, and the use of multimedia in learning and teaching, particularly in the associated affordances for social constructivist styles of learning, as well as the critique of dominant discourses concerning students’ digital literacies. In 2017 he successfully completed his doctoral research into the use of digital audio (mp3) for feedback purposes, an area in which he has also been involved in national research projects, such as TALENT (2000-2002) and Sounds Good (2008-2009). He also has recent publications on the use of technology and social media by students, and perceptions of risk in young people using the internet.
Stephen’s areas of interest include research methods and methodology, philosophy of education, politics of education, digital childhoods, education and technology, design, and learning and teaching with new technologies.
Administrative Responsibilities
Stephen is a member of the University Regulations Review Group (Vice-chair), the Digital Learning and Student Experience Task Group, the Mitigating Circumstances Board, the Research Committee, the Research Degree Sub-Committee, the Research Ethics Committee, the Research Degree Sub-Committee Management Group and University Senate.
Membership of Professional Organisations
Stephen is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and a member of the British Education Studies Association, for which he also sits on the Executive Committee as Secretary. He is on the Board of Reviewers for the journals: Pastoral Care in Education, Educational Futures, Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, and Transformations, and is currently co-editor of Educational Futures.
Other Activities
Conferences and Other Research Activity
Dixon, S., Edgar, A. & Johnson, B, (2023) ‘Co-constructing critical change: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of the lived experience of Education Studies Students in a neoliberal world’, BESA Annual Conference, University of Derby
Dixon, S. (2022) ‘Hearing Voices: undergraduate students’ experience of digital audio feedback’, Personalised Pedagogies – Inclusive, Empowering and Progressive Higher Education for All, University of Hull Learning and Teaching Conference. Teaching Excellence Academy, University of Hull. Available at:
Dixon, S. (2022) ‘Education, Technology and Social Justice: Reflections on Digital Divides’, BESA Annual Conference. Manchester
Dixon, S. (2022) ‘L&T Chat Show Episode 7 – Steve Dixon on creating and using audio feedback’. L&T Chat Show [podcast interview]. Available at:—Steve-Dixon-on-creating-and-using-audio-feedback-e1hdp3i
Dixon, S. (2020) The push for online content. British Education Studies Association. Available at:
Dixon, S. (2019) Poodll Podcast. Audio Feedback Toolkit, Sheffield Hallam University. Available at:
Dixon, S. (2019) ‘We want to see the cat! A case study of webinar-based learning and student experience’, BESA Annual Conference. University of Trinity St David’s, Swansea
Dixon, S. (2017) ‘Using POODL for Audio Feedback’, Arden University Learning and Teaching Conference. Arden University
Dixon, S. (2017) ‘Using POODL in Assessment’, Learning and Teaching Conference. University of Warwick
Dixon, S. (2016) ‘Audio Feedback: Troubling to hear’, Troubling Research Conference. Birmingham
Dixon, S. (2016) ‘Student perceptions of audio feedback’, BESA Annual Conference. Wolverhampton University
Dixon, S. (2014) ‘Audio Feedback Revisited: A Pastoral Dimension?’, BESA Annual Conference. University of Glasgow
Dixon, S. (2013) ‘Young People and Digital Media: A Problem of Polarisation’, Hidden Truths: Understanding Vulnerability in 21st century Britain. Newman University
Dixon, S. & Sanders, R. (2012) ‘Education Studies Students 2.0?’, BESA Annual Conference. University of Hull
Sanders, R. & Dixon, S. (2011) Closing The Gap [DVD], Stoke City Council
Dixon, S. (2011) ‘Participation Discourse Wordle’ [image], Media Education Research Journal, 2 (1), p.5 (Available at:
Trotman, D., Tucker, S., Martyn, M. & Dixon, S. (2011) ‘Towards a Pedagogy of the Possible’, ATINER 2011. Athens Institute for Education and Research
Dixon, S. & Sanders, R. (2011) ‘Questioning the Digital Native Assumption’, CAL 11. Manchester Metropolitan University
Dixon, S. & Sanders, R. (2011) ‘Teaching Media 2.0’, Media Education Summit. Birmingham City University
Dixon, S. (2009) ‘Now I’m a Person: Feedback by audio and text annotation’, A Word in Your Ear. Sheffield Hallam University (Available at:
Dixon, S. (2009) ‘Audio Feedback audio case study from Newman University, Birmingham’, A word in Your Ear. Sheffield Hallam University (Available at:
Dixon, S. (2009) ‘Sounding Good’, BESA Annual Conference. University of Stafford
Dixon, S. (2005) ‘E-Learning Conference Workshop’, BECTA Annual Conference. Birmingham
Dixon, S. (2003) ‘Web Learning Conference Workshop’, MAPE Annual Conference. Birmingham
Dixon, S. (2003) ‘Online Learning Conference’, JISC – E-Learning. Coventry University
Dixon, S. (2003) ‘Web Conference Workshop’, MAPE Annual Conference. Birmingham
Dixon, S. (2001) ‘Online Learning’, TALENT Conference. Birmingham
Dixon, S. (2000) ‘Using Networked Technologies for Teaching and Learning’, TALENT Conference. University of Leicester
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Dixon, S. (2023) ‘Don’t panic (yet): The implications of ChatGPT for Education Studies in the UK’, Educational Futures, 14 (1), pp.96-116 (Available at:
Dixon, S. (2022) ‘Old wine in new bottles: Utilising audio feedback for summative assessment’, Educational Futures, 13 (1), pp.73-86
Dixon, S. (2015) ‘The pastoral potential of audio feedback: a review of the literature’, Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 33 (2), pp.96-104
Dixon, S., Sanders, R. & Griffin, S. (2013) ‘Education Studies Students 2.0?’ Educational futures, 6(1), pp.41-57 (Available at: (Available at:
Dixon, S. & Sanders, R. (2011) ‘Dangerous Assumptions – what our media students have taught us’ Media Education Research Journal, 2 (2), pp.12-25
Dixon, S. (2010) ‘Sounding Good: Exploring the potential of audio feedback’ Educational futures, 2(3), pp.29-37 Available at: (Available at:
McDougall, J. & Dixon, S. (2009) ‘Doing Media 2.0’ Networks, 8, pp.23-25 (Available at:
Chapters in Books
Dixon, S. (2021) ‘Foreword’, in Taekke, J. & Paulsen. M. (2021) A New Perspective on Education in the Digital Age: Teaching, Media and Bildung. London: Bloomsbury
Dixon, S. (2020) ‘Young People and Digital Media’, in Cronin, M. & Brotherton, G. (Eds) (2020) Working with Vulnerable Children, Young People and Families. 2nd Edition. Abingdon: Routledge, pp.122-145
Dixon, S. (2018) ‘Children and Technology’, in Bright, C., Tatton, A. & Thomas, L. (2018) Supporting Children and Young People in Schools: A guide for Foundation Degree Students. Abingdon: Routledge, pp.88-99
Dixon, S. & Sanders, R. (2016) ‘Technology’, in Trotman, D., Willoughby, R. & Lees, H. (Eds) (2016) Education Studies: The Key Concepts. Abingdon: Routledge, pp.221-225
Dixon, S. (2013) ‘Young People, Digital Media and Risk: A Problem of Polarisation’, in Cronin, M. & Brotherton, G. (Eds) (2013) Working with Vulnerable Children, Young People and Families. Abingdon: Routledge, pp.157-180
Non-refereed Journal Articles
Dixon, S. (2015) ‘E-safety for the i-generation’, Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 33 (2), pp.129-30
Dixon, S. (2011) ‘Politics 2.0: Book and Resources Reviews’, Media Education Research Journal, 2(1), pp.5-8 (Available at:
Dixon, S. (2010) ‘Personal Connections in the Digital Age’, POV – Journal of the Media Education Association, 2 (2/3)
Dixon, S. (2010) ‘Video Production Resources Review’, Media Education Research Journal, 1 (1), pp.100-102
Barnard, D. & Dixon, S. (2007) ‘Brand New’, Education Executive, 25, pp.18-20
Dixon, S. & Upton, C. (1999) ‘Local History and the World Wide Web’, Society of Archives Newsletter (Archives in Education Issue), 17, pp.7-8
Dixon, S. (1998) ‘The ABTAPL Website – Now Online’, Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries, 5 (2), p.2
Dixon, S. (1998) ‘Keeping in Touch: The ABTAPL Mailing List’, Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries, 5 (1), pp.5-8