Dr Hall is an expert in Data Science and Machine Learning with a first UG masters degree in Physics and Astronomy (Leeds). His MSc was in the Physical Sciences – Life Sciences boundary (Warwick).
His PhD was creating a Machine Learning method to help Chemists by estimating the structures of proteins with UV light scans. The latest version of this technology, now updated and added to by others, is licenced by Warwick Innovation to Pharma companies, and free for academic use.
Vincent’s additional project during the PhD research used similar technology for robotic limb control. These robotic arms were for attachment to people’s arm and shoulder bones. This was a collaboration with Max Jair Ortiz-Catalan from Chalmers University, Sweden.
3 first author research papers from the PhD.
Vincent has worked in tech companies and collaborated with tech and car companies through university departments.
Dr Hall has spoken about Machine Learning (ML, a type of AI) at international academic and commercial conferences.
He created the Physics and scores for a driver behaviour scoring platform for Trakm8 Holdings (a UK and Czech vehicle tracking and logistics company), and a learning driver app that Trakm8 developed for the AA.
With Trakm8, Vincent also created a software to take-in vehicle data to detect tailgating (following dangerously close) without cameras. Patent pending.
With the Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick, he made a vehicle data compression method for Jaguar Land Rover that compressed data in real-time, in-vehicle with a compression ratio higher than widely used data compression software.
At Creavo Med Tech, a Coventry-based start-up, Dr Hall did the Machine Learning and image processing for a hospital bed-side machine using the magnetic field of the human heart to detect and study heart attacks. This tech aimed to save hospitals and patients many hours of tests by quickly identifying people not suffering from heart attacks (many other things feel and look similar, even back pain).
Vincent worked on video data compression methods for autonomous vehicles with WMG, University of Warwick, for Onsemi, an American semiconductor company that produces cameras for cars. This work involved computer vision and traditional video compression methods.
In his business, Build Intellect, Dr Hall has coached Data Scientists and Analysts in Machine Learning and coding, as well as Mathematics. He’s also a software coding book author.
For April 2023- April 2024, Vincent co-organised BrumAI, an AI meetup in central Birmingham. This also involved meeting with potential funders and helping decide organisational structure.
Google Scholar:
Vincent’s research interests are currently in AI agents and robotics. He’s interested in robotic swarm research.
Past research:
- Video data compression for self-driving cars: post doc University of Warwick and Onsemi
- Data compression for vehicle data: post doc University of Warwick, Jaguar Land Rover and EPSRC
- Heart magnetic field signals to detect heart attacks: Creavo Med Tech (startup that closed in 2021)
- Driver scoring and crash detection from vehicle data: ODB port: Trakm8 Holdings
- Protein structure estimation using Circular Dichroism data (UV light scans): PhD Uni of Warwick, Chemistry/MOAC (now MASC).
- Atomic Force Microscopy for semiconductors: summer project in UG at University of Leeds.
Dr Hall has taught areas covering:
Computer Scientist career paths and employment futures vs automation, critical thinking, ethics, presentation skills; how humans and computers interact, Deep Learning, computer architectures, computer networks; mathematics, probability; cyber security.
Other Activities
Papers published in peer-reviewed journals:
- Feature selection for supervised learning and compression, Taylor, P., Griffiths, N., Hall, V.A., Xu, Z. & Mouzakitis, A. (2022). Applied Artificial Intelligence 36 (1), 2034293
- Protein secondary structure prediction from circular dichroism spectra using a self‐organizing map with concentration correction, Hall, V.A., Sklepari, M. & Rodger, A. (2014). Chirality 26 (9), 471-482
- Elucidating protein secondary structure with circular dichroism and a neural network, Hall, V.A., Nash, A., Hines, E. & Rodger, A. (2013). J. Computational Chemistry 34 (32), 2774-2786
- SSNN, a method for neural network protein secondary structure fitting using circular dichroism data, Hall, V.A., Nash, A. & Rodger, A. (2014). Analytical Methods 6 (17), 6721-6726
PhD Thesis:
- Self organising map machine learning approach to pattern recognition for protein secondary structures and robotic limb control, V.A. Hall (2014). MOAC, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Warwick
Unpublished report for UG:
- Using Resonating Superconducting Cavities towards making a Quantum Computing Processor, V.A. Hall (2009). Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds
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