The University acts in a way that is open and honest about what we do, how we work and how decisions are made. We do this through the publication of an overarching publication scheme which details all the information that we regularly make available.

Information we do not disclose and reasons for non-disclosure:

  • Commercially sensitive and confidential information.
  • Information about individuals, subject to the data protection laws, except Declaration of Interests, from the Board of Trustees and the Directorate.
  • Legal advice.
  • Proposals and options that have not been agreed, unless approved for consultation with staff and / or other stakeholders.
  • Where providing the information requested, would incur an additional, unreasonable cost to the University.

Guide to Information (Model Publication Scheme)

Council Meeting Schedule 2023-24

Register of Interests 2022-2023

This page is currently being updated. Historical minutes are archived; please contact should you wish to request a copy of these.