September 2025

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Tuesday 9th April 2024 – 6pm

Thursday 6th June 2024 – 6pm

Clinical Applications of Psychology MSc/PGDip/PG Cert

Postgraduate, Master's Degree, Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Diploma, September 2025

The MSc in Clinical Applications of Psychology provides modules in aspects of psychology relevant to clinical practice, for students who are intending to apply to Doctoral programmes in clinical psychology or study a PhD. Whilst there is no guarantee that students will ultimately be successful in gaining entry to Doctoral programmes or a PhD, this course is intended to strengthen your credentials and enable you to get the most out of your relevant experience. It is expected that students accepted onto the MSc will be currently working in clinically relevant posts, such as psychology assistants, nursing assistants or therapy aides. As with other current Masters Degrees in Clinical Psychology this MSc is not BPS accredited.

“This course occupies a niche in higher education in psychology that does not seem to be filled elsewhere: a grounding in clinical psychology theory and research that can support and provide an additional dimension to the experience of psychology graduates who are aiming to go on in the future to train in clinical or other related areas of applied psychology. The syllabus has been carefully designed to meet the course aims. The outcomes can be demonstrated in the level of performance of the students (and also in their reported success in gaining places on Doctorate courses).”
External Examiner

  • Part-time programme.
  • Delivered online with only one compulsory campus based induction workshop.
  • The online nature allows students to continue to work alongside their studies.
  • The delivery mode enables students to be geographically widespread.
  • The programme is designed to strengthen student’s credentials for those who are intending to apply to Doctoral training programmes within Clinical Psychology.
  • There are no examinations on this programme, all assessments are course work based.
  • The applied nature of this course makes it valuable for any Psychology graduate wishing to develop their skills.
  • The programme will provide students with the opportunity to study at post-graduate level several key topics related to the current practice of clinical psychology in the United Kingdom.

This programme will provide you with the opportunity to study several key topics related to the current practice of clinical psychology in the United Kingdom at a distance, through online learning and teaching methods. The taught modules reflect key areas of clinical psychology, e.g., adult and child mental health, issues in psychotherapy, neuropsychology, professional issues, ethics and diversity, and clinical research methods. Adult and Child mental health examine mental distress, their aetiology, diagnosis/formulation and treatment/interventions. Issues in psychotherapy covers competing perspectives of some of the major ongoing issues in psychotherapeutic theory & practice. Neuropsychology looks at assessment of patients in a range of domains of cognitive functioning. Professional issues, ethics and diversity looks at the way in which Clinical Psychologists engage with the world and conduct themselves in a professional way. Research methods utilizes qualitative and quantitative methodologies to look at real world applications of research. These six taught components of the programme are delivered over two academic years and the independent dissertation component can be taken concurrently with the taught modules of the second year or after the taught modules have been completed. The dissertation element of this programme is an opportunity for you to produce an independent piece of research to a publishable standard.  The dissertation submission takes the form of a journal article written to the specifications of a journal chosen by yourself.

All modules on the MSc in Clinical Applications of Psychology programme are delivered using the institution’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) – moodle. The programme has been designed around notions of experiential learning – learning by doing. Thus, you will play an active part in each module of the programme. Module content is predominantly based around core texts and journal articles. Each module is embedded with practical aspects to enable you to apply theory into a practical context. This occurs through innovative learning and teaching methods, utilising the functions available on moodle. The programme is underpinned by both synchronous and asynchronous learning and teaching methods (e.g., online activities and live chats). You will have the opportunity to take part in weekly synchronous online group seminars/tutorials to discuss specific topics within the module. This seminars/tutorial is made available on a set day during an evening slot (Wednesday 7-8pm). By means of asynchronous learning, you will have the opportunity to take part in discussions, utilising the discussion forum. PowerPoint’s are also made available for some content and pre-recordings of lectures. Thus, there are many learning mechanisms for you to engage.

One – 20 credit module equates to 30hours of scheduled contact time and 170 hours of independent learning.

You will study 180 credits to complete the MSc programme. Online-live sessions – to support your learning further, you will have the opportunity to attend scheduled live group tutorial/sessions with your tutor across the programme, which will be delivered on Wednesday’s  7-8pm.

The programme aims to develop subject specific knowledge and understanding, subject specific skills and competences, and generic transferable skills, and assessments are geared to demonstrate these. Throughout the programme both formative and summative assessments are utilised. The programme will incorporate a mixture of assessments such as case studies, reports, portfolios and proposals. All assessments are coursework based.

The programme intends to strengthen your credentials, for those wishing to apply for Doctorate Programmes in Clinical Psychology or study a PhD. Relevant transferrable skills developed through this programme which will strengthen credentials include research knowledge and practice, critical evaluation, writing reports, independent working. As well as being relevant to the Clinical Psychology Doctorate or studying a PhD, these transferable skills will place students well for careers as assistant psychologists, rewarding careers in the area of mental health, as well as research posts and working in academia.

This programme is delivered online, with one compulsory attendance for induction to the programme in September.

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Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for 2025 entry TBC

Course Fees

Course fees for 2025 entry TBC

Additional Costs

Due to the online nature of the programme, students will need access to their own computer hardware and software, specifically internet access. Additionally, computer hardware should be of a minimum specification level to allow the downloading and running of statistical analysis packages (provided by the University). As software requirements change over time we cannot provide an absolute minimum level. However, if you wish to enquire about the current minimum specification then please do not hesitate to contact the Programme Leader.

Where possible module core texts have been chosen so as to be available as a free e-book. However, some core texts are not available as e-books and, in these situations, students will be advised to purchase personal hard copies. However, even where e-books are available you may wish to purchase personal hard copies but this is at your own personal discretion.

At times throughout your degree, you may need to print or photocopy material. There may also be additional costs associated with data collection depending on the research undertaken for example printing of questionnaires.



Please be aware that, as with any course, there may be changes to the modules delivered, for information view our Changes to Programmes or Module Changes page.

Timetables: find out when information is available to students

Please note that the Dissertation module can be studied in year 2 alongside the three remaining modules, or in year 3 once all taught modules are completed. Students have two academic years to complete this module.

  1. This module aims to orientate students to the kinds of issues and concerns found within psychological research methods. Students’ knowledge of research methods from their undergraduate studies will be consolidated and expanded and they will be encouraged to consider clinical applications of this knowledge. To equip students with the skills necessary to carry out empirical research, they will be given exercises to develop their awareness of ethical issues and they will be provided with data sets to analyse and interpret using appropriate research techniques. Finally, students will design a research proposal which will incorporate an in depth literature review and they will be encouraged to focus this upon the broad area within which they may eventually wish to focus their dissertation.
  2. This module will begin with an overview of mental health and the theoretical perspectives in the area. Then follow up with an in-depth analysis of the disorders that can be displayed in adulthood by way of applying the knowledge of text material in critical thinking and activities/discussions/case analyses related to controversies in abnormal psychology. The course will focus on the primary texts but will also draw heavily on key studies and reviews. The assignment is designed specifically to develop students’ knowledge and information searching skills, while building on their analytical, evaluative and presentation skills. Also allowing students to develop, describe, justify and apply their own theoretical model of adult mental health, explaining the development, maintenance, and treatment of based on information acquired during the module.
  3. This module offers students the opportunity to expand their clinical knowledge through exploration and analysis of competing perspectives of some of the major ongoing issues in psychotherapeutic theory & practice. Students will be encouraged to directly relate theory and practice to their clinical and personal experience, fostering a reflective approach to training and practice and demonstrating critical thinking within this area.
  1. This module aims to help students develop an awareness of the nature and the practice of Clinical Psychology in the UK, with a particular focus on the key areas of ethics and diversity, but also covering a range of professional issues such as: supervision, self-care and reflective practice.  There are ongoing changes both in the structure of the National Health Service (NHS) and the role of Clinical Psychology within the NHS and this wider context is considered as well. This module is intended to provide a foundation on which those students entering doctoral training programmes will be able to build, but it will also support students who want to gain a better understanding of key issues facing Clinical Psychology in the UK.
  2. This module aims to build upon the knowledge of cognitive psychology gained at undergraduate level, to show how cognitive theories have enabled the development of a wide variety of tests, which can now be used to assess patients in a range of domains of cognitive functioning. The types of neuropsychological assessments will be discussed at some length, providing students with an understanding of the tests that are available, and why and how they should be used. The course will focus on the primary text but will also draw heavily on key studies and reviews. The assignments are designed specifically to develop students’ knowledge and information searching skills, while building on their analytical and evaluative skills.
  3. The module explores the major clinical disorders and problems that are a focus of clinical attention in childhood. It will consider behavioural disorders, emotional disorders, developmental and learning disorders and problems related to physical and mental health. The potential causes of these clinical problems will be considered, including cultural, social and biological/genetic factors. Attention will also focus on assessment, diagnosis and treatment of these clinical problems. The module will also consider theoretical issues pertaining to the role of development in pathogenesis of particular disorders associated with childhood. The module will aim to emphasise the role of research in advancing our understanding of childhood mental health and the need to be able to disseminate information to different types of audience.
  4. This tutored sixty credit module provides students with the opportunity to select an area of particular interest to them relevant to the field of Clinical Psychology and to design, plan and execute an in-depth research project in their chosen area. The research design should include either quantitative and/or qualitative analyses and draw upon and critically evaluate a range of both classic and contemporary research findings throughout. The resulting project should be submitted following University conventions and be to a publishable standard.