What is the Law? What are its sources. What are its institutions? How does it function. What works well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
What are the uses of contract law and how is contract law administered by the Courts and tribunals? What works well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
What constitutes criminal behaviour under the law? What state institutions are involved in the administration of criminal law? What works well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
This module will introduce students to the objective of the tort system and basic principles of liability underpinning tort law to consider some of the various interests that are protected. The module will explore the acts and omissions that give rise to liability and the type of harm which is actionable and for which compensation can be sought. The module deals with issues of caution and fault within particular types of action in tort, and considers the role of policy in relation to this area of law. The module also considers briefly the relevance of different modes of liability, including strict liability, vicarious liability and contributory negligence, as well as defences, and some of the potential remedies available to an action in tort.
What are the Constitutional Laws and the Administrative Laws of the United Kingdom under the Parliamentary Democracy system that recognizes the Sovereignty of Parliament and an unwritten constitution. How does this all work? What works well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
Examines a breadth of legal skills including research, ethics, professional conduct and practice in a legal setting.
Law LLB(Hons)
Honours Degree, Undergraduate, September 2025
Key Details
- M100 Course Code
- 3 Years
- 112 Typical UCAS Tariff

The Law LLB(Hons) degree is the most versatile undergraduate degree on offer. World leaders across all generations have studied it ahead of their illustrious accomplishments. They include Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, and several British Prime ministers. The LLB Hons degree equips its seekers with erudite legal reasoning and evaluative skills that have been developed, crystallised and sharpened over centuries by purveyors of this elegant craft, as each generation adapted it to serve its times. In the present disruptive era, new legal problems have, and will continue to arise that require development of new legal insights, and new legal responses. This is an exciting time to come to Birmingham Newman University where we prioritize the training of critical legal reasoning skills and evaluative thought processes. We are reputable for our small class sizes by which we empower every student to engage with, contribute to, and shape the learning process. No-one is ever left behind at Newman Law School.
The Law degree skill-set is in the highest demand across the widest range of occupations in both the private and public domains, potentially making graduates both flexible and selective about where they will apply themselves. While the Legal Practice (Solicitor/ Barrister) route is an obvious and potentially lucrative choice, the civil service, business enterprises, public international organizations, civil society organizations, and endless others value and fervently seek law graduates. Whether you intend to practice law or not, the LLB Hons. degree might be your best shot for girding-yourself-up for the world of work in a world profuse with claims of legal rights and responsibilities wherever you look, and whatever you do.
We use a variety of assessment strategies to ensure that learners get the best opportunities to demonstrate that they have met programme and module learning outcomes.
Birmingham Newman Law graduates have tended to proceed to completing either the Bar or the Solicitor’s Qualifying Examinations (SQE) in readiness for practice.
Increasingly, LLB Hons. graduates are taking specialization by completing a Masters’ degree (LL.M.) – usually in the area of practice they have in mind. Common pathways include LLM in Intellectual Property Law; LL.M. in Commercial Law; LL.M. in International Trade Law, LL.M. in Public International Law; LL.M. in Human Rights; LL.M. in International Relations.
Henceforth, Birmingham Newman University Law School will be progressively launching new specialization opportunities, including:
LL.M. in AI and Emergent Technologies Law
LL.M. in Environmental Justice and Human Sustainability
LL.M. in Public International Law, Human Rights and International Relations.
Birmingham Newman University is located in Britain’s second city – Birmingham. With one of the youngest city populations in Europe, it is a vibrant and dynamic place to study.
Studying at Newman University, you have the advantage of being near to the city, but living in, or commuting to peaceful and comfortable surroundings on campus.
Dining out
Birmingham has lots of wonderful places to dine out with a range of different cuisines. Places where you can dine out include; Brindley Place, Mailbox and Hagley Road (just 10 minutes’ from Newman).
Whether you like to go to; the theatre, gigs or clubs, or enjoy: sports, shopping visiting art galleries or exhibitions – Birmingham will not disappoint and you will be spoilt for choice!
Getting around Birmingham is easy via train, bus or by car. Birmingham has excellent transport links to the rest of Britain, making it easy for those weekend getaways!
Why not explore the city for yourself by visiting one of our Open Days?
Want to find out more about Birmingham and the West Midlands? Then take a look at some Birmingham City Secrets.
Entry Requirements
UK home students
Entry requirements, for UK home students, for September 2025 entry:
- 112 UCAS points
UK Applying Direct Option
International students
If you are an international student, please get in touch with our International team who will be able to advise on entry criteria for this course. Email international@newman.ac.uk or telephone +441218160449.
International Applying Direct option
To apply for this course, you can apply direct using the apply link provided below:
Please note that courses with a professional placement are not available to International students.
Course Fees
UK home students
The full-time course fee, for UK home students, for September 2025 is £9,535 per year.
International students
The full-time course fees and funding, for International students, for September 2025 are:
- Undergraduate Taught: £12,500 tuition fee
- International Excellence Scholarship: £1,500
All International Students who apply in 2024/25 will be eligible for the International Excellence Scholarship which will be automatically applied to their offer as a tuition fee reduction.
Additional Costs
Find out more about the other additional costs associated with our undergraduate degrees.
The University will review tuition fees and increase fees in line with any inflationary uplift as determined by the UK Government, if permitted by law or government policy, in subsequent years of your course. It is anticipated that such increases would be linked to RPI (the Retail Price Index excluding mortgage interest payments).
Please be aware that, as with any course, there may be changes to the modules delivered, for information view our Changes to Programmes of Module Changes page.
Timetables: find out when information is available to students
How does the law provide for the regulation and management of individual private wealth, inheritance, and succession? What works well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
Examines the rules relating to ownership, possession, commercialisation and conveyancing of real property – land. Covenants, easements, and other rights in property are examined. What works well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
Examines the evolution, goals and regulation of the only supranational organization in the world – the EU; its institutions, their dynamic, and its efficacy. Why did the UK join this organization in 1973 and why did it withdraw in 2019? What works well and what requires further thought and why? What changes would you introduce?
Gives students the opportunity under guidance of a Licenced Registered Solicitor, to deal with issues submitted by members of the public pro-bono on an advisory only basis, excluding all reserved matters.
Examines English Law practice and procedure relating to private issues around family life. What works well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
Examines UK practice and procedure under the light of its International Legal Obligations on Immigration and Asylum. What works well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
Besides the Court system, what other procedures do disputants routinely take their matters to? How efficient are these procedures? What works well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
Examines the regulation of employment relations under English Law. What rights and responsibilities do parties to an employment relationship have towards each other? What institutions apply to this area of human rights law? What works well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
Independent learning module under the supervision of a Lecturer. It seeks to nurture competence in reliable knowledge creation by guiding students along a two-semester journey of comprehensive research and review of a given body of knowledge on a particular issue with the view to critically and objectively evaluate the issues before proposing a reasoned original thesis.
Provides students with an in-depth understanding of practice and procedure in criminal law, starting at police station representation, traveling through various points including interview, bail, evidence, court hearings, trial, and various case/court applications.
Provides students with an in-depth understanding of practice and procedure in civil law, starting at pre-action traveling through various points of the Civil Procedure Rules, evidence, negotiation, court representation and case/court applications.
Examines the significance and impact of emergent laws for the regulation of disruptive era’s AI and other emergent technologies. What might work well and what not so well with this extremely unfamiliar development for all? What changes would you introduce?
Examines the UN International Human Rights system - its treaties and customs; and its institutions, for their potential to deliver ion the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) promise to guarantee the protection of the inherent dignity of individuals qua human beings everywhere. What has worked well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
In this disruptive era, the question of what in the field of medical practice is ethical and what not so ethical is being severely tested. Can the law ever catch-up with the fast pace of change in this space, to give assurance and certainty to professionals and users of emergent advances in medical therapies? This module examines the issues.
Examines the dynamic of the international legal system and its potential to guarantee international peace and security. What has worked well and what requires further development and why? What changes would you introduce?
Examines business structures under the relevant statute - Companies Act (2006) / (2013) and its relevance and impact on select aspects of national economies, employment, development, human rights, etc.