Lorayne teaches and researches physical activity as a health behaviour, with a specific focus on children’s school-based physical activity. She is an approved doctoral supervisor, has research degree examination experience and is the University’s PGR Coordinator (Liaison & Student Experience). Lorayne has externally examined and been an external subject expert for physical education, sport science and sport coaching courses, from Foundation Degree to Structured PhD. She is also a qualified primary school teacher and used to teach in a Birmingham school. Lorayne delivers training on the delivery of active physical education and youth sports provision. She was educated in and still lives in the West Midlands.
Research Interests
Lorayne’s research interests lie in physical activity as a health behaviour, in particular children’s school-based physical activity and sedentary behaviour. She has experience of designing and implementing effective school-based physical education research interventions, and has supervised doctoral research on the topic, including the supervision of Dr Emma Powell who developed the SHARP Principles, which have been effective in increasing active learning in primary physical education. Lorayne is currently collaborating with the University of Strathclyde, local secondary schools and Swim England to apply the SHARP Principles to primary PE lessons in Scotland, secondary PE, and swimming lessons respectively.
- Physical activity and health
- Physical education pedagogy
- Research ethics
Administrative Responsibilities
- PGR Coordinator (Liaison & Student Experience)
- Chair of the following University committees – Research Ethics Subcommittee, Research Degrees Subcommittee and Research Degrees Subcommittee Management Group
- Member of the following university committees – Research Committee and Data Protection Task Group
Membership of Professional Organisations
British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) (member)
Cathedrals Group Doctoral School Network (member)
Other Activities
Research supervision
PhD Supervision:
- P. Collins (awarded 2015). The influence of the built environment on young people’s physical activity and health.
- Al-Nuaim (awarded 2016). Physical activity and health related behaviour of young people in Al-Ahsa Governorate, Saudi Arabia: An investigation into environmental factors.
- E. Powell (awarded 2017). Children’s physical activity during primary school break times and physical education: ecologically framed interventions.
- R. Taylor (awarded 2020). External and internal load measures and their practical application for monitoring fatigue and fitness in rugby union.
- Khawaja (awarded 2021). The physical activity and health status of British Young People: A school year study.
- J. Tanton (awarded 2021). Health, lifestyle and metabolic risk factors of UK university students.
- A. Powell (awarded 2021). Development of mental toughness in Paralympians and other elite athletes.
- G. Gill (current) Examining emotional intelligence and teaching.
EdD Supervision:
- E.Elliott (submitted 2023). Non-Catholic teachers’ lived experiences of religious practices in English Catholic primary schools.
- M. Smith (current). Early career teachers’ perceptions of the place for religion in the science classroom.
- K.Singh (current). The role of faith and spirituality in early years: a Sikh perspective.
Conference Addresses and Papers
Khawaja, I., Woodfield, L., Collins, P. Nevill, A., Safi, A. (2016) Physical activity location and intensity across the school year: a mixed methods study. International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity; 8-11 June, Cape Town.
Powell, E., Woodfield, L.A., Nevill, A.M., Powell, A.J. (2016) Increasing physical activity in primary school physical education: the SHARP principles model. European College of Sports Science, 6-9 July, Vienna.
Woodfield, L., and Duncan, M. (2015) Cardio respiratory fitness not physical activity predicts body fat percent in English children. International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity; 3-6 June, Edinburgh.
Tanton, J., Woodfield, L., and Dodd, L. (2015) Health and lifestyle behaviours and metabolic risk factors of English University students: clustering of behavioural and metabolic risk factors. International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity; 3-6 June, Edinburgh.
Collins, P., Al-Nakeeb, Y. and Woodfield, L. (2015) Young people’s free-living physical activity patters and their perceptions of the surrounding built environment: An age and socio-economic comparison. International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity; 3-6 June, Edinburgh.
Powell, E., Woodfield, L.A., and Nevill, A.M. (2015) The role of the primary school day in the promotion of children’s physical activity levels. International Society of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity; 3-6 June, Edinburgh.
Al-Nakeeb, Y., Collins, P., Lyons, M., Hankey, J. and Woodfield, L. (2010) Children’s daily physical activity: built and social environmental influences. European College of Sports Science; June, Turkey.
Al-Nakeeb, Y., Lyons, M., Collins, P., Hankey, J. and Woodfield, L. (2010) Using global positioning systems for monitoring and evaluating children’s physical activity in school: an exploratory study. European College of Sports Science; June, Turkey.
Al-Nakeeb, Y.; Duncan, M.; Woodfield, L.; Lyons, M and Dowdall, S. (2008) Environmental correlates, physical activity and body mass index of children. The 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science. Estoril, Portugal, 9th– 12th July. Congress proceedings p.510.
Al-Nakeeb, Y., Duncan, M. J., Woodfield, L. and Lyons, M. (2007) Physical activity and BMI in British children. Conference proceedings of the International Conference on Physical Activity and Obesity in Children, June 24-27, 2007, Queens University, Canada.
Duncan, M.J., Al-Nakeeb, Y., Woodfield, L. and Lyons, M. (2007) Physical activity and weight status in British children. Poster presentation under consideration for presentation at the Third National Obesity and Health conference, Manchester, March, 2007.
Al-Nakeeb, Y., Duncan, M. J., Woodfield, L. and Lyons, M. (2006) Physical activity and body fat of British school children. Invited lecture at the 1st Oceania conference of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance (ICHPER), October 1-4, 2006, Wellington, New Zealand.
Duncan, M., Al-Nakeeb, Y., Woodfield, L. and Lyons, M. (2006) Ambulatory physical activity levels in British children. Poster presentation at the BASES annual conference, September 2006, University of Wolverhampton.
Woodfield, L., Al-Nakeeb,Y., Nevill, A. (2006) Young people’s attitudes towards physical education. Proceedings of the BASES annual conference, 11-13 September 2006, University of Wolverhampton.
Woodfield, L., Al-Nakeeb, Y. and Nevill, A. (2005) Longitudinal changes in the physical activity levels of young people from different ethnic groups. Proceedings of the BASES annual conference, 5-7 September 2005, Loughborough University.
Duncan, M. J., Woodfield, L. A., Lyons, M., Dodd, L. and Al-Nakeeb, Y. (2005) Prevalence of overweight and obesity in British Children from Different Ethnic Groups. Poster presented at the BASES annual conference, September 7-9th 2004, Liverpool. Journal of Sports Sciences. 23: 113-114.
Al-Nakeeb, Y., Lyons, M. Duncan, M., Myers, T., Woodfield, L., Griggs, G., Dodd, L and Nevill, A. (2004) Lifestyle, adiposity and cardiovascular disease risk factors in a Higher Education community. Poster presentation at the 9th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science. July 3-5, Athens.
Myers, T., Griggs, G., Al-Nakeeb, Y., Lyons, M., Duncan, M., Woodfield, L. and Dodd, L. (2004) Lifestyle and health habits of a higher education community. Poster presentation at the 9th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science. July 3-5, Athens.
Duncan, M., Woodfield, L. and Al-Nakeeb, Y. (2004) The kinanthropometric profile of elite volleyball players. Poster presentation at the BASES annual conference, September 4-6, Sheffield Hallam University 2003. Journal of Sports Sciences. 22: 264.
Woodfield, L., Duncan, M., Al-Nakeeb, Y. and Nevill, A. (2003) The relationship between young people’s physical activity levels and attitudes towards physical education. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science. July 9-13, Salzburg 2003, p432.
Al-Nakeeb, Y., Lyons, M., Nevill, A., O’Neill, S., Duncan, M. and Woodfield, L. (2003) Performance under high intensity localised muscle fatigue and total body fatigue. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science. July 9-13, Salzburg 2003, p 278.
Duncan, M., Woodfield, L., O’Neill, S., Al-Nakeeb, Y. and Nevill, A. (2003) The percent body fat of British children from different ethnic groups. Communications to the 12th International Commonwealth Sport Conference, 19-23 July Manchester 2002. Journal of Sports Sciences 21 (4); p298.
Duncan, M., Woodfield, L., Al-Nakeeb, Y. and Nevill, A. (2003) Body Esteem and Percent Body Fat Among British School Children. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science. July 9-13, Salzburg 2003, p102.
Duncan, M., Woodfield, L., Al-Nakeeb, Y. and Nevill, A. (2003) Differences in body fat of British children from various ethnic groups. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science. July 9-13, Salzburg 2003, p475.
Duncan, M., Hollyhead, S., Woodfield, L., Lyons, M. and Al-Nakeeb, Y. (2003) The anthropometric profile of elite county youth cricketers. Oral Presentation at the 1st Annual ECB Congress of Sports Science and Medicine in Cricket. September 25-26, Loughborough University 2003.
Al-Nakeeb, Y., Lyons, M., O’Neill, S., Duncan, M. and Woodfield, L. (2002) The effects of localised muscle fatigue on the performance of gross and fine motor skills. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, July 24-28, Athens 2002.
Duncan, M., Woodfield, L., O’Neill, S., Al-Nakeeb, Y. and Nevill, A. (2002) The percent body fat of British children from different ethnic groups. Proceedings of the 12th International Commonwealth Sport Conference, 19-23 July Manchester 2002. Journal of Sports Sciences 21: 298.
Duncan, M., Woodfield, L., Al-Nakeeb, Y. and Nevill, A. (2002) The impact of socio-economic status on children’s physical activity. Journal of Sports Sciences. 20: 34-35.
Duncan, M., Woodfield, L., Al-Nakeeb, Y. and Nevill, A. (2002) The relationship between parents’ and children’s physical activity. Journal of Sports Sciences. 20: 35-36.
Duncan, M., Woodfield, L. and Al-Nakeeb, Y. (2000) The physiological profile of elite tetrathletes. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of Medicine and Sports. Science and Sports, 15: p333.
Woodfield, L., Duncan, M., Al-Nakeeb, Y, Nevill, A. (2002) The physical activity of children from different ethnic groups. Journal of Sports Sciences. 20: 43-44.
Woodfield, L., Duncan, M., Al-Nakeeb, Y (2000) The somatotype of elite tetrathletes. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of Medicine and Sports. Science and Sports, 15: 339.
Al-Nakeeb, Y., Duncan, M., and Woodfield, L. (2000) Lifestyle and physical fitness profile of college aged males and females. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of Medicine and Sports. Science and Sports, 15: 351-352.
Powell, E., Woodfield, L. A., Powell, A. J., Myers, T. D., & Barker, M. (2024). Are school settings restricting access to daily physical activity for children with cystic fibrosis? Parents’ perspectives and recommendations for practice. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 19(1). Forms of Research/Scholarship
- External examiner:
- Higher Education Sport programmes, Loughborough College (2012-2015);
- BA Physical Education and BA Children’s Physical Education, Plymouth MARJON University (2016-2020).
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
Wong, L.S, Muirhead, F., Powell, E., Woodfield, L.A., Stewart, C. and Reilly, J. (2022). Feasibility of an intervention for increasing moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity (MVPA) in primary school physical education: a study protocol. F1000Research 2022, 11: 258.(
Woodfield, L., Tatton, A., Myers, T., Powell, E. (2022) Predictors of children’s physical activity in the Early Years Foundation Stage. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 20(2): 199-213. Doi: 10.1177/1476718X211052797
Powell, E., Woodfield, L., Powell, A., Nevill, A. (2020) Assessing the wider implementation of the SHARP Principles: Increasing physical activity in primary physical education. Sports, 8(6). doi:10.3390/sports8010006
Khawaja, I., Woodfield, L., Collins, P., Benkwitz, A. and Nevill, A. (2019) Exploring Children’s Physical Activity Behaviours According to Location: A Mixed-Methods Case Study. Sports, 7 (11). p. 240. doi:10.3390/sports7110240
Powell, E., Woodfield, L., Powell, A., Nevill, A.M. and Myers, T.D. (2018) Evaluation of a Walking-Track Intervention to Increase Children’s Physical Activity during Primary School Break Times. Children, 5 (10) (135). doi:10.3390/children5100135
Powell, E., Woodfield, L., Nevill, A.M., Powell, A.J. and Myers, T.D. (2018) ‘We have to wait in a queue for our turn quite a bit’: examining children’s physical activity during primary physical education lessons. European Physical Education Review. doi:10.1177/1356336X18785343
Powell, E., Woodfield, L.A., and Nevill, A.M. (2016) Increasing physical activity levels in primary school physical education: the SHARP Principles Model. Preventative Medicine Reports. 3, pp.7-13
Tanton, J., Dodd, L.J, Woodfield, L. and Mabhala, M. (2015) Eating Behaviours of British University Students: A Cluster Analysis on a Neglected Issue. Advances in Preventive Medicine, 15: 8 pages, Article ID 639239, doi:10.1155/2015/639239.
Powell, E., Woodfield, L.A., and Nevill, A. (2015) Children’s physical activity levels during primary school break times: A quantitative and qualitative research design. European Physical Education Review, 1-17
Duncan, M.J., Birch, S., Woodfield, L. and Al-Nakeeb, Y. (2012) Perceptions of the Built Environment in Relation to Physical Activity and Weight Status in British Adolescents from Central England. ISRN Obesity, 12: 4 pages, Article ID 903846, doi:10.5402/2012/903846
Duncan, M., Birch, S., and Woodfield, L. (2012) Efficacy of an integrated school curriculum pedometer intervention to enhance physical activity and to reduce weight status in children. European Physical Education Review, 18(3): 396–407
Duncan, M.J., Birch, S., Woodfield, L. and Hankey, J. (2011) Physical activity levels during a 6-week, school-based, active videogaming intervention using the Gamercize Power Stepper in British Children. Medicina Sportiva, 15 (2): 81-87, 2011
Duncan, M.J., Lyons, M., Hankey, J. and Woodfield, L. (2010) Comparisons between peak power prediction equations in adolescent female basketballers. Journal of Sports Therapy, 3 (3): 10-12
Duncan, M. Nevill, A., Al-Nakeeb, Y., and Woodfield, L. (2010) The relationship between pedometer-determined physical activity, body mass index and lean body mass index in children. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, Informa Healthcare, 5 (5): 445-450.
Duncan, M., Al-Nakeeb, Y., Woodfield, L. and Nevill, A. (2009) Body esteem in British children: Differences due to weight status, ethnicity and gender. International Public Health Journal, 1: 173-178.
Duncan, M.J., Al-Nakeeb, Y., Woodfield, L. and Lyons, M. (2008) Ambulatory physical activity in British Children. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Health. 1, 235-242.
Duncan, M.; Woodfield, L.; Al-Nakeeb, Y.; and Nevill, A.M. (2008) Differences in Physical Activity Levels of South Asian Children in the United Kingdom. Pediatric Exercise Science, 20, 285-291.
Al-Nakeeb, Y., Duncan, M., Woodfield, L., Lyons, M. (2007) Fatness and physical activity in British primary school children. Annals of Human Biology. 34: 1-12.
Duncan, M.J., Al-Nakeeb, Y., Woodfield, L. and Lyons, M. (2006) Pedometer determined physical activity levels in British primary school children. Preventive Medicine. 44: 416-420.
Duncan, M. J., Woodfield, L., and Al-Nakeeb, Y. (2006) Anthropometric and physiological characteristics of junior elite volleyball players. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 40: 649–651
Duncan, M., Woodfield, L. and Al-Nakeeb, Y. (2004) Differences in body fat of British children from various ethnic groups. European Physical Education Review. 10: 41-52.
Woodfield, L., Duncan, M. Al-Nakeeb, Y., Nevill, A. and Jenkins, C. (2002) Sex, ethnic and socio-economic differences in children’s physical activity. Pediatric Exercise Science. 14: 277-285.
Duncan, M. J., Woodfield, L. A., O’Neill, S. J. and Al-Nakeeb, Y. (2002) Relationship between body image and percent body fat among British school children. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 94: 197-203.
Duncan, M., Woodfield, L., O’Neill, S., Al-Nakeeb, Y., Nevill, A. and Lane, A.M. (2002) Test – retest stability of body image scores between adolescents. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 95: 1007-1012.
Duncan, M., Woodfield, L., Al-Nakeeb, Y. and Nevill, A.M. (2002) The impact of socio-economic status on the physical activity levels of British secondary school children. European Journal of Physical Education. 7: 31-44.
Chapters in Books
Woodfield, L. (2012) Physical education and sport, and positive attitudes towards physical activity. In M.J. Duncan (ed.) Reviews in Pediatric Exercise Science. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers. pp. 13-26
Duncan, M., Al-Nakeeb, Y. and Woodfield, L. (2008) Relationships between body esteem, objectively measured physical activity and anthropometry in children. In: Simmons, M. P. and Foster, L. A. (Ed.) Sport and Exercise Psychology Research Advances. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 1-8.