September 2025

Health and Social Care BSc (Hons)

Honours Degree, Undergraduate, September 2025

Key Details

  • L648 Course Code
  • 3 Years
  • 112 Typical UCAS Tariff
student studying

There is an increasing demand for health and social care within the UK and globally and the sector requires competent and knowledgeable contributors to shape it to ensure the best outcomes for all.

The BSc Health and Social Care at Newman intends to develop in students the appropriate knowledge, understanding, skills and values required of them to work, research and continue their studies in this area and other related disciplines.  It will provide a range of educational experiences that enable students to work in a wide-ranging fast-moving environment within the UK and internationally.  Students will have the opportunity to develop a professional approach to their work with individuals and communities.


The BSc Health and Social Care at Newman includes a number of strategies designed to develop professional, high quality graduates for the health and social care sector.

  • The first year of the course will provide a good foundation to introduce complex concepts of both health and social care and enable the development of a wide range of knowledge and skills to support study at the second and third year.
  • You will be supported by experienced highly qualified lecturers with extensive research and knowledge across the health and social care sector.
  • You will gain experience in from work experience which will help you link theory and practice.
  • Your modules will be focused on a range of skills and knowledge that can be directly applied to working within the health and social care sector.
  • For your final dissertation project, you can research a topic that interests you and is relevant to your personal interests or intended future employment.

As Health and Social Care is a dynamic area of study, this course covers a range of disciplinary areas. Modules that cover content related to epidemiology, social policy, research methods, public health, anatomy and physiology, clinical skills, safeguarding, and leadership and management are covered in this programme.

To root the course in the sector and to enable students to reflect upon and develop their skillset, there is a work placement module at level 5 and; a range of visiting speakers from the sector and insight days into health and social care throughout the course.

The course seeks to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to engage in the wide range of issues that shape health and social care in the UK and globally.

The course uses a variety of assessments to help develop a range of different skills from traditional essay and report writing to presentations, digital portfolios, case study analysis tasks and research projects.

Your assessments serve a vital role in helping you gain the skills that you will need in post graduate employment or study.

A wide range of careers are available across several environments such as health and social care in the public, private and third sectors.

The areas covered on this course would be suitable for people considering moving on to gain postgraduate qualifications in nursing, midwifery, social work and occupational therapy.

Graduates from this course could take on leadership and management roles in health or social care and would be capable of working within a multi-agency environment nationally and globally.

The skills and knowledge gained from this course are also transferable to a range of disciplines or employment opportunities.

What can I do with a Health and Social Care degree?

Newman University is located in Britain’s second city – Birmingham. With one of the youngest city populations in Europe, it is a vibrant and dynamic place to study.

Studying at Newman University, you have the advantage of being near to the city, but living in, or commuting to peaceful and comfortable surroundings on campus.

Dining out

Birmingham has lots of wonderful places to dine out with a range of different cuisines. Places where you can dine out include; Brindley Place, Mailbox and Hagley Road (just 10 minutes’ from Newman).


Whether you like to go to; the theatre, gigs or clubs, or enjoy: sports, shopping visiting art galleries or exhibitions – Birmingham will not disappoint and you will be spoilt for choice!


Getting around Birmingham is easy via train, bus or by car. Birmingham has excellent transport links to the rest of Britain, making it easy for those weekend getaways!

Why not explore the city for yourself by visiting one of our Open Days?

Want to find out more about Birmingham? Then take a look at some Birmingham City Secrets.

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Entry Requirements

UK home students

Entry requirements, for UK home students, for September 2025 entry:

  • 112 UCAS points

Applying Direct Option

You can apply direct to Newman University for this course if you have not previously applied to Newman University through UCAS and you are not applying to any other universities.

N.B. will need to enter ‘New User’ account details when first accessing this portal.

International students

If you are an international student, please get in touch with our International team who will be able to advise on entry criteria for this course. Email or telephone +441218160449.

International Applying Direct option

To apply for this course, you can apply direct using the apply link provided below:

Please note that courses with a professional placement are not available to International students.

Course Fees

UK home students

The full-time course fee, for UK home students, for September 2025 is £9,535 per year.

International students

The full-time course fees and funding, for International students, for September 2025 are:

  • Undergraduate Taught: £12,500 tuition fee
  • International Excellence Scholarship: £1,500

All International Students who apply in 2024/25 will be eligible for the International Excellence Scholarship which will be automatically applied to their offer as a tuition fee reduction.

Additional Costs

Find out more about the other additional costs associated with our undergraduate degrees.

The University will review tuition fees and increase fees in line with any inflationary uplift as determined by the UK Government, if permitted by law or government policy, in subsequent years of your course. It is anticipated that such increases would be linked to RPI (the Retail Price Index excluding mortgage interest payments).


Please be aware that, as with any course, there may be changes to the modules delivered, for information view our Changes to Programmes of Module Changes page.

Timetables: find out when information is available to students


  1. This module introduces the concepts of health and social care and will explore these broad ranging concepts at individual, community and societal levels. Presenting health as a dynamic term and; the concept of care as a multifarious one, this module will guide students into critical engagement with a range of discipline related issues and case studies. The development of study skills will be an important and integrated feature of this module. It will provide the opportunity for students to establish an approach to learning which assists in promoting analytical thinking, engaged reading and academic writing.
  2. The module will enable students to explore the historical and contemporary issues in social policy. The module will introduce students to: the theoretical, national, regional and local socio-political perspectives that inform both social policy and the provision of health and social care: and to a range of legislation relevant to the provision of these services. The module will further explore the contemporary emphasis placed upon public and service user involvement.
  3. The module will offer students the opportunity to learn about the structure and function of the human body. The students will explore optimal system functions of the body and will also explore the dietary and lifestyle factors that have been shown to contribute to the healthy functioning of the human body.
  4. The module provides an introduction to quantitative and qualitative research in health and social care. The module also introduces students to how research can be applied to health and social care practice and conducted within contemporary ethical and research governance framework. Students will also develop qualitative data analysis skills. In the module students will critically appraise published literature in quantitative, qualitative and mixed methodological research.
  5. This introductory module will introduce sociology and the branch of the discipline that explores sociological perspectives of health and illness, within societal, cultural and political contexts. Students will explore how society is structured by looking at the patterns of relationships that exist within it and how these social relationships can influence perspectives of health and illness.
  6. This module will offer students the opportunity to learn about common diseases and illnesses. Students will explore the systems of the human body and how they interact. The pathophysiological changes occurring and how they can be associated with common diseases will be outlined. The clinical tests used for monitoring and diagnosis of common diseases will be outlines. The students will explore a range of practical clinical tests used to detect and monitor chronic illness and disease, in order to enhance and promote optimum health.
  1. This year-long module allows you to engage with a real-world industry that reflects your career aspirations. Supported by tutors, you critically reflect on your passions and skills to be work-ready following your graduation.  
  2. This module will introduce social epidemiology, exploring the principles of this discipline related to the study of health and social inequalities using current evidence and engaging in current debates. Students will engage in theoretical understandings of how the social environment produces health outcomes, how social phenomena can be measures and how health inequalities can be addressed.
  3. This module intends to offer a more in-depth understanding of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research, and prepare students for their Dissertation. The module will widen the appreciation of research in health and social care: debating the role of research within health and social care; exploring the research process, ethics and methods; and increasing knowledge and understanding of quantitative study designs and qualitative methodologies.
  4. This module will offer students the opportunity to learn about how to prevent illness or diseases in human populations. The prevention, detection, monitoring, containment and treatment of diseases in human populations will be detailed and alternative methods of illness and disease treatment be explored. The students will explore the importance of asepsis in reducing transmission of disease in populations within both the clinical and community settings.
  5. This module will enable students to explore and understand applied health psychology, focusing upon: models of beliefs and behaviours in both healthy individuals and those will illness; mental health; and health psychology across the lifespan. The module will strengthen student understanding of how theory can be applied to practice through the development of a psychometric took to measure a particular dimension of health.
  6. A broad understanding of the concepts of public health, health improvement, heath promotion and health education is essential in the ever-changing policy context. With increasing concern regarding the health society, the ability to influence health and well-being is a vital skill for the practitioner in health and social care. Students will be able to critique and debate theoretical and ethical issues as well as exploring the practical aspects of implementing effective health improvement initiatives. This module will explore creative and innovative ways to convey health messages to individuals and groups.
  1. At level 4 students were introduced to basic quantitative research skills. At level 5 students widened their appreciation of research by exploring the research process, ethics, methods, quantitative study design, and qualitative methodologies. This module builds upon this knowledge and understanding of research and students are required to apply this knowledge and, with supervision, develop, conduct and report their own piece of primary research.
  2. This module will provide students with the opportunity to explore historical and contemporary concerns that have served to shape policy and practice. Students will explore current legislation and its implications for practice for all those working with the young and vulnerable adults. A clearer understanding will be gained of the different roles and responsibilities of those working in the area of safeguarding. Consideration will be given to the impact that abuse can have on the lives of victims and their families.
  3. This module will explore and examine a range of health interventions designed to improve overall human health across the lifespan (children, adults and older people). Interventions to prevent disease, treat or reduce the impact of disease and improve the functional movement during recovery from illness/disease will be explored and critically examined. Focus will be on current interventions that have been developed to improve or change one or more major health behaviours (e.g. physical inactivity, poor nutrition, stress, smoking etc). The clustered effects of these behaviours directly account for almost half of overall premature deaths in the UK, therefore, the understanding and application of preventive and therapeutic interventions in Health and Social Care practice is important for practitioners to understand.
  4. This module will provide students with the skills to manage and lead effectively in complex, dynamic and interprofessional/multidisciplinary organisations. Students will critically debate and discuss issues around leadership in healthcare today; styles of management and the development of management skills to balance innovation and risk in an ever evolving arena; and the management of change necessary to manage issues such as the ageing population and the growth of technology in health and social care today.
  5. At level 4, students were introduced to the socio-political and legislative perspectives of social policy at national, regional and local levels. This module advances students’ knowledge and understanding of social policy through exploring current perspectives, and through examining contemporary processes in the commissioning of health and social care services within a mixed economy and the implications for service provision.