Secondary Mentor Training
Welcome to the Secondary Mentor training 2023-24 homepage
Please see below the outline of training opportunities being offered and a calendar of training events, hyperlinked to relevant training materials and documentation.
We refer to all our partners as ‘Mentors in Training’ as we are wish to emphasise that effective mentor training is delivered through a sequence of varied training opportunities, rather than an identified event.
Should you have any questions of feedback please don’t hesitate to get in touch with myself or the Partnership Team here at Birmingham Newman.
Caroline Montgomery, Head of Secondary ITE
Our staged mentor curriculum offer:
Essential (generic): Being a Birmingham Newman Mentor
Essential (subject): Subject specific mentoring
This is the minimum entitlement for all mentors to engage with in 2023-24.
- Essential (Generic) is delivered through face-to-face and virtual training events. The content includes Birmingham Newman Mentoring and Principles curriculum, ITT CCF and Teachers’ Standards’ Biq Q’s and target setting – including mentor communication and directed engagement including QA and personalised mentor training during tutor visits.
- Essential (Subject) contextualising generic content within the specific subject lens. Research informed practice
- Essential (Professional Mentor Development) is delivered through virtual training events. The content focuses on the leadership and QA of this role.
This is content available to all mentors to further strengthen their practice and extend their understanding of mentoring. Mentors do not need to engage in both units. This also includes a moving from Subject Mentor to Professional Mentor module. These are a free CPD resource for Birmingham Newman Mentors.
This is for well-established mentors, both Subject and Professional to seek accredited recognition for their practice withing mentoring and coaching.
Essential, Embedding, Enhancing