The aims for this module are set in the context of the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications and they relate to the QCF level descriptors for level 6 study. This module is undertaken in a placement setting, within which students will demonstrate that they meet the standards for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) within the context of their placement. This final professional development and experience module will enable students to take increasing accountability and responsibility for teaching pupils and fulfilling the duties expected of a teacher. Students will extend their knowledge and understanding of issues related to professional development and experience. The module enables students to observe, discuss, develop, and practise professional knowledge, understanding, skills, creativity and innovation in appropriate settings. During the experience they will have the opportunity, supported by specialists where appropriate, to demonstrate, with increasing independence, the qualities and skills necessary to teach and manage pupils, monitor their learning and critically evaluate and reflect upon their own knowledge, understanding and skills, and set targets for continued professional development and their Induction year.
This module will provide students with the opportunity to apply acquired knowledge and understanding of research approaches. Students will design and undertake an independent educational based research project focussed on the primary age range, with the aim of extending their pedagogical knowledge in their chosen enhancement subject area. Students will adopt a systematic approach through developing a practical awareness of research designs, paradigms and ethical considerations.
The module is designed to enable students to critically analyse issues in relation to management and leadership across settings. The students will develop relevant knowledge, understanding and skills attributed to management and leadership roles and responsibilities. In addition, they will learn to critically analyse theory and policy in relation to management and leadership issues and approaches. The organisation and management of change, and the potential impact of change on the individual, group and setting will be investigated.
This module will consolidate and further develop learning undertaken in previous years. Educational research and practitioner input will enable students to develop their understanding and knowledge with regards to the expectations of schools and approaches to the curriculum. In particular there will be an emphasis on opportunities for creative development within schools and the curriculum so as to enhance pupil experience, understanding and knowledge. A selection of curriculum experts will share their experience and knowledge in the development of creative approaches within the primary setting. As part of the QTS qualification students will attend a week in schools to explore creative approaches to the curriculum making use of input from some of the guest speakers from this module. Upon completion of a personal reflection on the creative focussed week in schools students will gain a certificate recognising the work undertaken with pupils. This module will also work collaboratively with external agencies to further explore opportunities for creative approaches, e.g. BMAG.
This module aims to support early years practitioners as they critically investigate and develop their understanding and appreciation of the similarities and differences between native language learners EAL learners at different stages of language acquisition and how to support them within the classroom and the wider community as early readers and writers. It also allows for the consolidation of students’ own language skills.
Within the context of current knowledge, statutory frameworks, current legislation and professional standards, students will critically reflect on their own practice and philosophy of education to prepare them for transition to their NQT year.
This module will give students the opportunity to critically engage with current debate and research in analysis of mathematical misconceptions in an early years and primary educational contexts. Students will have opportunities to critically evaluate a range of alternative creative approaches to teaching and learning in mathematics within the early years curriculum. Within this module, students will continue to audit their own knowledge and understanding of aspects of mathematics in the primary age range. This module includes development in subject knowledge of measurement and consolidation in number, geometry and statistics.
This module will provide students with opportunities to extend pedagogical content knowledge and scientific enquiry skills, looking at contemporary and innovative approaches across the key stages. They will reflect upon and address key concepts and scientific phenomena that pupils have problems understanding and how such confusion may act as a barrier, preventing successful learning. Within this module students will apply and critique the science National Curriculum with attention focused on physical processes. Students will have the opportunity to carry out and evaluate scientific activities and investigations related to the development of pupils’ concepts and skills; critically evaluating the effectiveness and appropriateness of a range of resources with inclusion in mind. This module includes introductions to cross curricular approaches to learning and teaching within the context of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Students will develop a critical understanding of approaches to planning, evaluation and assessment, and will use this to develop, inform and refine future learning experiences. During this unit the students will complete a subject knowledge science audit focussed on their understanding of physical processes. After each taught session the students are expected to keep an ongoing electronic journal (Mahara2), entering reflective observations about their learning.
FD Progression Top Up - Primary Education 3-11 (with recommendation for QTS) BA (Hons)
Undergraduate, Top-up Degree, September 2025
Key Details
- X322 Course Code
- 1 Years
- TBC Typical UCAS Tariff
Contact Details
For Admissions Enquiries
For Course Enquiries
- Simon Strawford (BA (Hons) Primary/ Early Years (with QTS) Course Coordinator)
- simon.strawford@newman.ac.uk
- 0121 476 1181 (Ext. 2521)
Entry Requirements
Entry requirements for 2025 entry TBC
Course Fees
Course fees for 2025 entry TBC