Research Strategy
Newman University aspires to be recognised regionally, nationally and internationally for the quality of its research and scholarship.
Newman is developing a strong research culture and offers opportunities for research to its members of staff and to students at postgraduate level.
Internationally excellent research and scholarly work is being undertaken across a wide range of academic and professional disciplines and is attracting external funding from many national and local government sources, as well as from local businesses. Research links with other colleges and universities, at home and abroad, have been established in a number of areas.
The current University Strategy sets out our plans and activities for the years 2020-2025. Newman University aspires to be recognised regionally, nationally and internationally for the quality of its research and scholarship. Our vision for research is underpinned by the University’s core values as outlined in its Strategic Framework 2020-25 and set out in its Mission Statement. Building upon the positive outcome of the REF in 2021, the Research Strategy will focus investment on areas likely to be successful in furthering our educational and social mission, whilst enabling early-career researchers to develop their capacity.
Newman University aspires to be recognised regionally, nationally and internationally for the quality of its research and scholarship.
Newman University has identified the following clear aims, consistent with its mission, which will support and lead to the achievement of Research Vision:
The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is a national expert assessment process, carried out in 34 broad subject-based units of assessment (UOAs).
Aspects of Research assessed
The research of over 150 UK universities and research institutions was assessed.
REF Scale
REF 2021 was designed to judge the quality of research over a period of 7 years; assessment was conducted on a 5-point scale:
Staff were drawn from across the University in areas such as Psychology, Social Work, Education, Sport, English, History and Theology. As well as those subject areas represented in the names of the Units of Assessment, the Units submitted included colleagues from across the university.
59 members of Newman staff were submitted in 7 units, nearly a 300% increase on the 2014 submission. The University also more than doubled the amount of World-leading research identified through REF2021.
In the latest Research Excellence Framework (2021) Newman entered more than twice the number of staff than in 2014 when it made its REF debut. All subject areas submitted were assessed as including a high percentage of ‘internationally significant’ work, while five subject areas – Education, History, Sport, Social Work and Social Policy, and English – were also assessed to produce work of ‘world-leading’ quality – the highest possible grade.
Research at Newman