Secondary Geography Teacher

ITE Teaching Partnerships Secondary


Welcome to our Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Birmingham Newman Partnership.

The information provided below has been written to assist our School Partners understand our Birmingham Newman Partnership and assist you in your role as part of the ITE programme.

We are fully committed to preparing trainee teachers to become highly skilled and reflective practitioner teachers through inspiring professional development in creative school partnerships, focussing on understanding and promoting effective learning and pupil progress and developing professional expertise.

We are excited to share our Birmingham Newman curriculum built on the foundations of the DfE Core Content Framework which is the minimum entitlement all trainee teachers should receive.

A number of our partners were involved in the development of the Birmingham Newman curriculum and as a valued member of our partnership, you will have a key role to play in the implementation, assessment of impact and the revisions that may be needed to ensure our curriculum meets the highest standards of training possible for all of our trainees.

We hope to meet you at our partnership events but in the meantime if we can offer you any support or you would like a conversation about how we can develop our partnership please do not hesitate to contact our Associate Dean for Recruitment and Partnerships, Jane Bradley.

Documentation for trainees & mentors

Associate Dean for Recruitment and Partnerships

jane bradley